Tuesday, 21 October 2008

How to save a life

Waterloo station. I would, at a guess, say about 10,000 people pass through the station from all over the south east of England every day.

I wonder how many people have stared at this poster and changed their lives because of it.

I know it changed mine.

Its time to re-evaluate and re-assess again.

Monday, 13 October 2008

Grey's Anatomy

I will confess. I had NO interest in this show when it first began. I had watched, i believe, about a quarter of an episode.

One of my boring weekends in, and I am now hooked... so much so that I actually, at this very moment in time, would like to do nothing more than lie in bed and watch the show. It has taken me and week and a half to finish two series.

BUT. I have worked in a hospital. I spent most of my early 20s in hospitals. None of the doctors are attractive.. even the junior doctors. The nurses are miserable and hate life. And noone is in love. And few are friends. I know the show isn't real... but it shows such a warped view on love that I love it. (spoilers ahead).

You find "love", and he/she dies. You find "love" and walk into a room where he is screwing a nurse. You find "love" and he turns out to be married.

And for someone as bitter and twisted as me, I love it, because, even though the show isn't realistic in the slightest, it somewhat comforts me to not be showing the boring "love is wonderful and happy and great" side that most programmes like this show.

3 more series to go.