1. Pressurefest was awesome. 2. Check out the Ieperfest Line up. www.ieperfest.com 3. RunningRiotfest Line up is up.. 4. add LDNLove on twitter. http://twitter.com/ldnlove 5. Pics up from the Dirty Money/Bitter End show up.
A year ago, on a trip to Newquay, i was introduced by a good friend to Claire, who makes the most incredible handbags, the best hair flowers and now jewellery. I have spent so much money on her stuff, its ridiculous.. but all well worth it.. having a box come from her is like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one.
I REALLY want these earrings, but can't afford to buy anything that isnt food this month. ha. Go and check out her Ebay store. You wont be disappointed.
Summer is here. You wouldnt have thought it with the weather, but so far, its been bangin.
so far, been all about:
- him. - Big Brother - Booking RunningRiotFest (nearly all done!) - Summer Dresses - Trips away. - Weddings - Newquay, Rach, Ruby and Wayne. - GRTBR. - My new heels.
I am slightly obsessed with the new Black Eyed Peas song. The first time I heard it, I was in a hotel room in Germany waiting for Lynne to turn up, drifting off to sleep after travelling from Sweden. I hated it but now I love it and it is definetly my Summer 2009 song... I am well aware that it is not great. But still, I love it.
and finally, pics from the Gravemaker show I put on in April are up.. click on the pic for a link! Thanks to Joerg for finding these for me!!