Ninjafest 2012 is not happening at the moment. Apologies. Thats my official statement.
On a completely different note:
- Mayhem with May has moved its slot for a couple of months from the wonderful 12pm-3pm on a Saturday afternoon to 6pm-9pm on a Wednesday evening. Listen in at www.totalrock.com. Many thanks to Talita for letting me squat her slot and get my weekends back for a while. Basically, Facebook sucks, so i have had to set up a new page.. so please add it here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/May-Hem/185578808161758
- Xibalba- A great realisation occurred this past week : Checking out bands via YouTube simply does not do said band justice. When previously listened to this band via these means, i had completely written them off as a bad tough guy band. Upon being told by many people to give the band the proper attention they deserve, I check out “Madre Mia Gracias Por Los Dias” from start to finish and stating I was blown away would be an understatement. The music is reminiscent of mid-late 90s hardcore.. heavy, slow but still brutal. With a few elements that reminded me of 90s bands like Machine Head and early nu metal (one of my many great loves), I was completely sold on the band.. and for the past week, they have been on constant rotation. The band will be on tour in Europe in the summer.. check them out at Brotherhood Fest and Ieperfest.
- Blackberrys new products:
For the longest time, it has been a widely discussed topic amongst blackberry lovers. At what point were Research in Motion (RIM) going to give us the rumoured phone that was wanted.. a blackberry phone, that looks like the original bold 9000, QWERTY keyboard included, with a touchscreen. Apparently, blackberry fanatics wont have to wait very much longer, and this is happening soon.. The Blackberry Bold 9930/9900, although not yet released, is rumoured to be the phone that will bring blackberry customers that went over to the darkside (AKA got iphoens) back. But is it too late for blackberry? Should this have been created years ago, when the iphone began world domination? Blackberry messenger is no longer reason enough for people to stay, especially as so many “instant chat” applications have appeared, and Blackberrys bitter revolt against the KIK app lost the company a lot of support.
Saying that, i would kill for one of these phones.. and a Playbook (blackberrys tablet.. in my mind, far superior to the IPad).
- JZE Essen- Goodbye to one of the best live music venues in Europe. You will be missed greatly