I am VERY VERY sorry to all the people that are coming onto this blog, looking for the answer to this question, but the reason that Google linked this blog was to do with the first line of an H2O song "what happened?" and an entry I wrote a couple of weeks ago.
I find it amusing when Google gets it wrong though.
So, as someone living on The Great British Isles, I have never even heard of this show.
I thought I would check it out.
Seriously people, are you are so into this show that you have gone out of your way to find out why the show ended???
Friday, 15 August 2008
Thursday, 14 August 2008
I was going to write a whole long entry about this band. But im not.
All I am going to say is that they are phenomenal.
All I am going to say is that they are phenomenal.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
People you need in your life #3- Joerg AKA Naggi
Going to fests and shows in Germany and surrounding areas for many years, I used to know Joerg as the guy, always on the side of the stage, always filming. It took us an afternoo
n of being on opposite sides of a room, me selling merch, and him doing distro at Maximum Destruction in 2004 for us to start talking.
With a love of films more than anyone I know, a collection of the best mainland live hardcore videos of at least the past 5 years and an attitude that can't be beat, Joerg is one of the people that has helped me out a lot and become a good friend.
We decided to interview each other, with my interview appearing on his blog, I Hate Your Heroes, on a bored Tuesday evening.
1. How did you get into hardcore?
I kind of slided in from the Metalscene. I used to listen to all the metal stuff as i was a child, starting with metallica's JUSTICE FOR ALL in '88 (i was 7 then) when
my brother bought that one i got caught in the music somehow. Then someone of my metalfriends gave me a tape with the Cro-Mags and Pro-Pain a few years after that
and for me that was just another form of metal back then. Via those bands i came across all the new york stuff like Agnostic Front, Madball (which i never really liked), Sick of It All, The Bad Brains etc. I came to realise that those
bands had more for me then just cool music so i dug myself deeper into hardcore and found out about those other scenes like Boston and Cleveland. i listened to both metal and hardcore equally during the first years and went "hardcore exclusive" sometime around 2002 and began to realize that theres a huge local scene here in my area. my first hardcore show i've been to was shortly after that. one of the first
hardcorebands i saw was Born From Pain.
2. Favourite show ever?
thats really a tough one. there are a few that really stick out of all the shows i've seen so far. Definitly Sick of It all on their tour with Pro Pain and Do Or Die in Essen. Both supporting bands were great and SOIA just gave me goosebumbs
with their intro which was an Air Raid Siren and two red flashing lights....
Then Wisdom in Chains on Ninjafest in 2007 in London really sticks out a lot as well. They are an awesome band, with a great lyrical attitute, the best singalongs and the atmosphere in the room was nothing but Sweat-dripping-amazing. i couldnt really speak for days after that.
One of the greatest shows but also one of the biggest disappointing ones clearly was All Out War at Pressure Fest. since we confirmed them for playing i was so much
looking forward to that show since that band is just speaking out what i am thinking about religion and some other topics and i was even more excited as their intro started. and them i broke a finger after 10 seconds. i watched a couple more songs and went to the hospital. i loved that show it will be forever in my mind though it ended in a big mess and surgery. shit happens
3. You worked in the Alveran store in Bochum. How did that come about?
Alveran opened a shop in Bochum (Bochum wattenscheid back then) and me and some friends got the flyer for the opening on a show, so we went there on the first day to check out this hardcore record shop. i bought about 15 records the first day and another 40 or so in the next few weeks. i spent a lot time in the story during that months and talked to the guys about music and stuff, then one day i got asked if a had something to do on the next saturday and i wanted to do the store for them since they wanted to go to a show somewhere to do distro. i did the shop a few times after that and became friends with them. Then i got introduced to the Distro stuff on shows and soon went to numberous shows with a friend of my doing the distro. we had a lot of fun during that time and just enjoyed it. I was still a
constructionworker back then but after i quit that job i immediatly started working for Alveran. First i just did the shop, selling records. then i joined the online stuff and tried to built up a streetteam but that didnt work out that much. some time later i took over the online stuff completely. I took over the graphics as that employee got fired and also i helped out the promotion guys when they had big mailouts and stuff like that. After another one left Alveran, i took over his duty as well and was now in charge of getting all the newest records and merchandise for
the shop and also the online shop.
4. How long were you there for? And why did you leave?
i joined them in 2005. around december or so on a non regular basis. i joined them full time in september 2006 i think and left in June 2008. as i mentioned before i
took over some work of other people as they left the label so i was doing the following: the shop, the online shop and the contact to the customers, buying the stock for both shops, doing the newsletter (which with my basic html-skills was a day-long task sometimes), all the graphics and the shipping for the online shop. i left because it was just too much work to do for a single person. most of the days the shop itself and the online stuff took 6-7 hours of my 9 hour day and i still had to do graphics and stuff then which is just not enough time. during this years Pressure-booking i didnt even go on my lunchbreak anymore since it was
30minutes that i could use to get more things done. When i first started at alveran, i told myself to do it as long as i enjoy it and that was just not the case anymore and i knew it wouldnt have changed. it was only stress and i dont need that. you know you should stop when you lay in bed and think "i have to go there tomorrow again" and you cant
sleep because of that.
5. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw there?
haha ok this story is no lie. this happened and a friend of mine can proof that: we were in the shop one day and some guy came in. he had a sailors uniform on, those kinds that you get in halloween shops! with the hat and all. he looked really weird and it was totally clear that he was nuts. so he asked us with a voice that only a totally drugged insane person has if we had TAPES. we said no and he then told us his story that only had one tape which he listened over and over again. it was some german singer stuff, like tom jones style, very old stuff. and he kept telling the story over and over again and just didnt wanna leave the store. after
like half an hour a friend of him came in and took him out telling us that "he escaped again" and that he does that with first recordstore he can find.
6. You do design stuff.. how did this come about?
I just got me a graphics program and tried ^^ first i did some real ugly looking flyers for shows some friends did, they needed some flyer, i could do that. and they were really ugly flyers. i'm actually embarassed of them when i see them now haha. well i tried and tried and got a lot better over time, then i got my hands on some decent graphics tools and started doing "the good stuff" over time. some friends asked me if i could do some logos for their bands, then the first shirt design came, another friends band asked me if i could do their artwork for the next
cd and it came out pretty good and here i am now. doing shirts, flyers, artworks for my friends.
I also learned a lot at Alveran where i had to deal with printing proportions for Adds, printflyers and all the stuff. They needed something that put me in front of
a problem so i spend my free time to solve that and get the job done. i dont know if i would have ever done that if it wasnt for my job which i liked a lot back then. so i owe them that kind of.
With all due resprect to Sascha, i owe him alot and had some amazing times there and also learned alot about the "business", but i just had to move on.
7. Films or hardcore? You are pretty passionate about both. But if you had to chose, which one would you give up?
I would clearly give up hardcore. because there is also other music that i like and in fact i listen to very few new hardcore stuff and rather listen to the old bands i listened to back in my early hardcore days. but i listen to a lot of different stuff now and i would never give up all movies for a form of music. maybe if you would ask me "would you rather give up actionmovies/sci-fi movies/etc. or hardcore"
i would chose hardcore over movies, but movies kind of give me much more. its like a movie can tell a full story and put up a whole bunch of questions, whereas a song can only tell a story for like 4minutes. there are themed-albums there but you always got the music that distracts you from the lyrics kind of. its hard to explain, i can concentrade on a movie and the thoughts behind it much better as on a song. maybe i'm just unable to decipher a 'soundtracked poem' ^^
Almost most hardcore bands just have silly lyrics haha
8. Favourite song ever?
that must be the meanest question ever. its impossible for me to pick one. though i can tell you which song i really like and why. its Sick of It All's 'Good Looking Out' cause its a great piece of music, fast, intense, its just fun to
listen to it, has awesome singalongs and also it always reminds me of the great times i had during their concerts since they ALWAYS start with that song. You know what you get on a SOIA show and you want them to begin with that song. I always get goosebumbs when i listen to that song.
9. Favourite soundtrack ever?
my favorite soundtrack is clearly 'The Thin Red Line' by Hans Zimmer. The movie is about a company of soldiers conquering guadalcanal in the pacific ocean in WWII
against Japan. The movie shows what drives the soldiers to go on and stay alive, it shows the dark side of war and what it does to nature. The soundtrack is the perfect match to the movie and its message. it has dark themes, kind of threatening ones as well as dreamy ones for the thoughts of the soldiers and the final song of that soundtracks is a melanesian choir which is singing a traditional melanesian
song, showing that whatever war may come, tradition will stay alive and nature will be stronger in the end. you can hurt it, but you can't kill it. nature will always be only real survivor of war. Hans Zimmer did an outstanding job on this one.
10. Favourite film ever?
I have to say FIGHT CLUB. Its just a great book and i think an even better movie. I love the fact of people getting together and forming some sort of anarchist rebellion against the society. also its just so dark, so intense. the art the movie looks with all its dirt, the little flashes. also i love the fact that i still discover new stuff i didnt notice the last time i watched it. like you can get a clue of what is about to happen in the end of the movie if you listen carefully to what the narrator says and especially WHEN he says it. For example there is one scene in the movie where Edward Norton's character is standing on transport-thing on an airport and from the off he says "we wake up in different airports, different places. could we be waking up as different people?" and in that exact moment Tyler is passing by in the other direction and the camera follows him for a second. you dont realize that his little camera move is very revealing, only if you watch it again and again and pay close attention you will get all those little clues and
hints, and thats genius. thats what makes a movie good.

With a love of films more than anyone I know, a collection of the best mainland live hardcore videos of at least the past 5 years and an attitude that can't be beat, Joerg is one of the people that has helped me out a lot and become a good friend.
We decided to interview each other, with my interview appearing on his blog, I Hate Your Heroes, on a bored Tuesday evening.
1. How did you get into hardcore?
I kind of slided in from the Metalscene. I used to listen to all the metal stuff as i was a child, starting with metallica's JUSTICE FOR ALL in '88 (i was 7 then) when
my brother bought that one i got caught in the music somehow. Then someone of my metalfriends gave me a tape with the Cro-Mags and Pro-Pain a few years after that
and for me that was just another form of metal back then. Via those bands i came across all the new york stuff like Agnostic Front, Madball (which i never really liked), Sick of It All, The Bad Brains etc. I came to realise that those
bands had more for me then just cool music so i dug myself deeper into hardcore and found out about those other scenes like Boston and Cleveland. i listened to both metal and hardcore equally during the first years and went "hardcore exclusive" sometime around 2002 and began to realize that theres a huge local scene here in my area. my first hardcore show i've been to was shortly after that. one of the first
hardcorebands i saw was Born From Pain.
2. Favourite show ever?
thats really a tough one. there are a few that really stick out of all the shows i've seen so far. Definitly Sick of It all on their tour with Pro Pain and Do Or Die in Essen. Both supporting bands were great and SOIA just gave me goosebumbs
with their intro which was an Air Raid Siren and two red flashing lights....
Then Wisdom in Chains on Ninjafest in 2007 in London really sticks out a lot as well. They are an awesome band, with a great lyrical attitute, the best singalongs and the atmosphere in the room was nothing but Sweat-dripping-amazing. i couldnt really speak for days after that.
One of the greatest shows but also one of the biggest disappointing ones clearly was All Out War at Pressure Fest. since we confirmed them for playing i was so much
looking forward to that show since that band is just speaking out what i am thinking about religion and some other topics and i was even more excited as their intro started. and them i broke a finger after 10 seconds. i watched a couple more songs and went to the hospital. i loved that show it will be forever in my mind though it ended in a big mess and surgery. shit happens
3. You worked in the Alveran store in Bochum. How did that come about?
Alveran opened a shop in Bochum (Bochum wattenscheid back then) and me and some friends got the flyer for the opening on a show, so we went there on the first day to check out this hardcore record shop. i bought about 15 records the first day and another 40 or so in the next few weeks. i spent a lot time in the story during that months and talked to the guys about music and stuff, then one day i got asked if a had something to do on the next saturday and i wanted to do the store for them since they wanted to go to a show somewhere to do distro. i did the shop a few times after that and became friends with them. Then i got introduced to the Distro stuff on shows and soon went to numberous shows with a friend of my doing the distro. we had a lot of fun during that time and just enjoyed it. I was still a
constructionworker back then but after i quit that job i immediatly started working for Alveran. First i just did the shop, selling records. then i joined the online stuff and tried to built up a streetteam but that didnt work out that much. some time later i took over the online stuff completely. I took over the graphics as that employee got fired and also i helped out the promotion guys when they had big mailouts and stuff like that. After another one left Alveran, i took over his duty as well and was now in charge of getting all the newest records and merchandise for
the shop and also the online shop.
4. How long were you there for? And why did you leave?
i joined them in 2005. around december or so on a non regular basis. i joined them full time in september 2006 i think and left in June 2008. as i mentioned before i
took over some work of other people as they left the label so i was doing the following: the shop, the online shop and the contact to the customers, buying the stock for both shops, doing the newsletter (which with my basic html-skills was a day-long task sometimes), all the graphics and the shipping for the online shop. i left because it was just too much work to do for a single person. most of the days the shop itself and the online stuff took 6-7 hours of my 9 hour day and i still had to do graphics and stuff then which is just not enough time. during this years Pressure-booking i didnt even go on my lunchbreak anymore since it was
30minutes that i could use to get more things done. When i first started at alveran, i told myself to do it as long as i enjoy it and that was just not the case anymore and i knew it wouldnt have changed. it was only stress and i dont need that. you know you should stop when you lay in bed and think "i have to go there tomorrow again" and you cant
sleep because of that.
5. What was the weirdest thing you ever saw there?
haha ok this story is no lie. this happened and a friend of mine can proof that: we were in the shop one day and some guy came in. he had a sailors uniform on, those kinds that you get in halloween shops! with the hat and all. he looked really weird and it was totally clear that he was nuts. so he asked us with a voice that only a totally drugged insane person has if we had TAPES. we said no and he then told us his story that only had one tape which he listened over and over again. it was some german singer stuff, like tom jones style, very old stuff. and he kept telling the story over and over again and just didnt wanna leave the store. after
like half an hour a friend of him came in and took him out telling us that "he escaped again" and that he does that with first recordstore he can find.
6. You do design stuff.. how did this come about?
I just got me a graphics program and tried ^^ first i did some real ugly looking flyers for shows some friends did, they needed some flyer, i could do that. and they were really ugly flyers. i'm actually embarassed of them when i see them now haha. well i tried and tried and got a lot better over time, then i got my hands on some decent graphics tools and started doing "the good stuff" over time. some friends asked me if i could do some logos for their bands, then the first shirt design came, another friends band asked me if i could do their artwork for the next
cd and it came out pretty good and here i am now. doing shirts, flyers, artworks for my friends.
I also learned a lot at Alveran where i had to deal with printing proportions for Adds, printflyers and all the stuff. They needed something that put me in front of
a problem so i spend my free time to solve that and get the job done. i dont know if i would have ever done that if it wasnt for my job which i liked a lot back then. so i owe them that kind of.
With all due resprect to Sascha, i owe him alot and had some amazing times there and also learned alot about the "business", but i just had to move on.
7. Films or hardcore? You are pretty passionate about both. But if you had to chose, which one would you give up?
I would clearly give up hardcore. because there is also other music that i like and in fact i listen to very few new hardcore stuff and rather listen to the old bands i listened to back in my early hardcore days. but i listen to a lot of different stuff now and i would never give up all movies for a form of music. maybe if you would ask me "would you rather give up actionmovies/sci-fi movies/etc. or hardcore"
i would chose hardcore over movies, but movies kind of give me much more. its like a movie can tell a full story and put up a whole bunch of questions, whereas a song can only tell a story for like 4minutes. there are themed-albums there but you always got the music that distracts you from the lyrics kind of. its hard to explain, i can concentrade on a movie and the thoughts behind it much better as on a song. maybe i'm just unable to decipher a 'soundtracked poem' ^^
Almost most hardcore bands just have silly lyrics haha
8. Favourite song ever?
that must be the meanest question ever. its impossible for me to pick one. though i can tell you which song i really like and why. its Sick of It All's 'Good Looking Out' cause its a great piece of music, fast, intense, its just fun to
listen to it, has awesome singalongs and also it always reminds me of the great times i had during their concerts since they ALWAYS start with that song. You know what you get on a SOIA show and you want them to begin with that song. I always get goosebumbs when i listen to that song.
9. Favourite soundtrack ever?
my favorite soundtrack is clearly 'The Thin Red Line' by Hans Zimmer. The movie is about a company of soldiers conquering guadalcanal in the pacific ocean in WWII
against Japan. The movie shows what drives the soldiers to go on and stay alive, it shows the dark side of war and what it does to nature. The soundtrack is the perfect match to the movie and its message. it has dark themes, kind of threatening ones as well as dreamy ones for the thoughts of the soldiers and the final song of that soundtracks is a melanesian choir which is singing a traditional melanesian
song, showing that whatever war may come, tradition will stay alive and nature will be stronger in the end. you can hurt it, but you can't kill it. nature will always be only real survivor of war. Hans Zimmer did an outstanding job on this one.
10. Favourite film ever?
I have to say FIGHT CLUB. Its just a great book and i think an even better movie. I love the fact of people getting together and forming some sort of anarchist rebellion against the society. also its just so dark, so intense. the art the movie looks with all its dirt, the little flashes. also i love the fact that i still discover new stuff i didnt notice the last time i watched it. like you can get a clue of what is about to happen in the end of the movie if you listen carefully to what the narrator says and especially WHEN he says it. For example there is one scene in the movie where Edward Norton's character is standing on transport-thing on an airport and from the off he says "we wake up in different airports, different places. could we be waking up as different people?" and in that exact moment Tyler is passing by in the other direction and the camera follows him for a second. you dont realize that his little camera move is very revealing, only if you watch it again and again and pay close attention you will get all those little clues and
hints, and thats genius. thats what makes a movie good.

I spent the past few years avoiding Cornwall. Something that my neighbour, who frequents the area, said to us about 8 years ago about the area being terribly racist made me not want to go.
Three years ago, I met a couple at Ieperfest, called Wayne and Rach (or Rayne and Wach as I keep slipping up and saying haha). They came from Newquay and a while after knowing them and becoming good friends, I mentioned my neighbours views to Rach and she laughed.
So, last weekend, me and Lynne went up to see them. I wish I hadn't listened to my neighbour. I have never loved a place as much as I loved Newquay. The chilled out atmosphere combined with the friendliness of people made it the complete opposite of London. I met so many awesome people, got to go and swim in the sea.. and saw the most beautiful views in the world. I have warned the two that next summer im going to be there bothering them every other weekend.
Thank you both for being the best hosts.
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