Tuesday, 8 December 2009

"I'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you till you love me..."

The post before this entry is important. Very important. But I feel the need to write this before my mind explodes.

I have had "Papparazzi" by Lady Gaga stuck in my head for roughly three days now. Nothing, I mean NOTHING, will shift it.. I have tried everything, from my favorite songs ever, to Christmas songs (usually, "Winter Wonderland" works a treat) to shift it. Nothing. I wake up and its there. I go to work, its there. I listen to my Ipod and I wish I could be listening to it. Its getting bad.

Whats the problem, you ask? I HATE Lady Gaga... I hate hearing her songs, I hate seeing her perform on the telly and I hate reading about her and her stupid outfits in not only magazines, but newspapers too. I am sick of her.

And the thing is, I wrote my disseration at University on "Artists" like her, who use image and shock to sell records and I can't believe that people buy into this still.

I predict by this time next year, she will look totally normal, just be a bit "nutty".

I dont know.. Maybe I'm just angry because she gets to kiss Hot Vampire Sheriff (even if he DOES look like around 50% of every male that comes out of Scandinavia, not the point!).



Dan said...

Hi, I got linked to your site from a mate's Facebrick link.

The A letter seemed like a long, drawn out way of saying "Please choose your support better and play some more old songs, coz I'm not really digging the new stuff as much." Fair enough, albeit a bit long winded.

As for the Lady Gaga thing that I read as a result of coming here, "the thing is, I wrote my disseration at University on "Artists" like her, who use image and shock to sell records and I can't believe that people buy into this still" - this quite intrigues me.

While no fan of Lady Gaga myself, I would point out that she does write her own guff (or at very least co-write it) and has written a lot of the guff which has been sold to her peers prior to her launching her own ego machine, and therefore at least deserves credit for performing her own guff as opposed to the latest Simon Cowell factory assembled tripe, who would probably perform a cover of said guff.

Even so, it's your comments about how "I wrote my dissertation at University on "Artists" like her, who use image and shock to sell records" which get my back up.

Good for you that you went to university. I hope it was a beneficial, educational experience for you.

Unfortunately, that remark simply smacks of elitism - having gone to a university and written a dissertation does not make you the be all and end all of a given subject! If everyone who had ever written a dissertation on a given subject were to be taken as the ultimate authority on said subject the development of human knowledge would grind to a halt in very short order as we all argued the toss over which argument in conflicting dissertations was right.

And as far as "I can't believe that people buy into this still" goes, it really makes me wonder: in your quest for the perfect dissertation did you at all take into account the high points of the careers of Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Ziggy Stardust, Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Public Enemy, The Prodigy and fuck knows how many others over the decades?

Using image and shock to sell records is simply good business acumen in the music industry. It's probably the easiest method to employ to make a track stick in a consumer's mind. It's nothing new at all, just a tried and tested technique to sell records over the last 60 or so years.

I do hope that was included in your dissertation.

In My Eyes said...

hahaha wow. Really? Someone linked my book in their facebook. Please, im intrigued to who is that bored. ahaha.

Firstly, the "A" letter was meant to be a bit of a joke that has obviously gone straight over your head. This blog, as far as I was aware, was read by only people that know me and know my sense of humour. Whilst I meant what i said, the way it was written was all a bit tongue in cheek.

The reason that I included the dissertation comment was not to go "OH IM SO EDUCATED" because im not. It was meant to say that the image/selling records business plan was something that I had actually read up on, and something that I know something about as opposed to someone who can't hold an argument on the subject. And yes, a few of those artists were used as case studies, especially Bowie.

I think its quite funny though, that the post has "gotten your back up" so much. Either you are the biggest Lady Gaga fan in the world, or you just have FAR too much time on your hands.

Yellowxander said...

Well the point was she needs to use shock tactics and imagery, regardless if she wrote the music or not, cuz the music is quite pants really.

This dude seems pretty jealous you went to uni; including the 'dissertation' remark was backing up the point at an educated level showing you know what you're on about, not stating 'i know there for it's fact'.