I am going to endeavour to update this once a week at least, even if it is to rant about something stupid (but I promise to end the negative posts with happy thoughts or at least a video to make you smile).
This evenings topic:
Barbour Jackets.
I swear to God, I sometimes actually believe that the fashion world likes playing jokes on us mere mortals. "I have an idea, lets give Lily Allen and Peaches Geldof an ugly old farmers jacket, ask them to wear it at a couple of festivals, hope The Times style section picks it up, and then, let's just sit back and watch". Now, I don't understand hipster "fashion" at the best of times, but it seems that this trend has been picked up by at least 50% of londoners.. and it's hurting my eyes.
Please, stop.
In other news:
I wanted to open a shop called "Mayhem and Muffins" but apparently, I have been beaten to it:
and as promised, something to make you laugh (OBVIOUSLY its going to be a steve kardynal video. DUH)