The Hype List- Autumn 2010
Summertime is over.. There is no more sun, no more festivals to look forward to, nothing. So, here is a list of awesome things that are out/coming up that you should get into:
Summertime is over.. There is no more sun, no more festivals to look forward to, nothing. So, here is a list of awesome things that are out/coming up that you should get into:
Bitter End- Guilty as Charged (Deathwish Records).
There is no hardcore kid that I know that does not LOVE this record.. Completely flawless in every aspect.. I could tell you that it sounds like x with a dash of x thrown in, but I wont. All I will say is if you like your hardcore HARD, then you HAVE to pick this up. Clearly in the running for best release of 2010.
Madball- Empire (Good Fight Music)
I have listened to it. In full. Its good. Get it.
Terror- Keepers of the Faith EP (Reaper Records).
Blown away. Those are the only two words I can use to describe how I felt when I got this. Pick it up. The title track will stick in your head, and remain there for at least a month. I am not even joking. This has happened to me. I find myself walking to the beat, even though im not listening to the song. The EP is the current soundtrack to my life.. Shall I keep going?
2. 50Cents twitter: http://twitter.com/50cent
Dude is funny as fuck. Add him.
3. Nails are touring.. www.myspace.com/unsilentdeath
Nails are miles ahead in the “best new hardcore band” stakes. They are doing a tour in November with Rise and Fall. The London date is on the 24th November at the Islington Academy 2. The rest of the dates are on the link above. You cannot miss this show.
4. Blood for Blood and SOIA on the Persistence tour.
This is not hitting the UK. :/ You HAVE to make it out to one of these shows.
5. Nick Terror’s twitter: http://twitter.com/nickgodie
The videos on this account that Nick puts up are worth it. One of the funniest twitters I have seen in a long time. ADD ADD ADDDD!
6. Winter:
Embrace this. It means that Christmas is coming.. Time off and everything sparkly makes Christmas awesome.. no presents does not.. along with those, there is the hope of snow days. Wrap up warm and feel the love.. (ask me again if I love it in 2 months!)
7. Sheer Terror in Belgium:
Did someone say road trip? For tickets, go to: http://www.trixonline.be/site/content/programma.asp?dag=morgen&id=707
8. Spot the fake uggs.
Girls. Two things. If you can’t afford to spend over £100 on a pair of shoes, very much like myself, then do not buy the fake version. The reason that Uggs are so expensive are because they are well made. So I have two tips to spot the fake ones, and play “spot the fake” on public transport:
a. If the “G” in Ugg at the back isn’t bigger than the other letters, they are fake.
b. If they collapse to one side, they are fake. Real Uggs don’t do that.
If anyone is feeling flash, a pair of Ugg Kensington’s in black would totally be well appreciated.
9. H&M being better than Primark
Last summer/winter has slowly seen Primark hiking up their prices. The chain of stores, whilst still relatively cheap, has been doing this slowly and subtly for the last 2 years.. so slowly that the difference is hardly noticeable. Lets put this into context. Two years ago, I bought a pair of knee high boots for £12. I went into the store two days ago, and they were selling knee high boots for £18. £6 is NOT that much difference, I hear you cry, but this is not the point.. it’s the principal of the matter. I wanted a long jumper. Apparently I found out that the better quality H&M sells them for £5 less than Primark. My loyalty is shifting. Fast.
10. Awesome television..
Yay! Its “fall” which means that the awesomest (yes it’s a word in my world!) shows are back for another series. Grey’s is back.. as well as Dexter.. I love me some Dexter.
Bitter End- Guilty as Charged (Deathwish Records).
There is no hardcore kid that I know that does not LOVE this record.. Completely flawless in every aspect.. I could tell you that it sounds like x with a dash of x thrown in, but I wont. All I will say is if you like your hardcore HARD, then you HAVE to pick this up. Clearly in the running for best release of 2010.
Madball- Empire (Good Fight Music)
I have listened to it. In full. Its good. Get it.
Terror- Keepers of the Faith EP (Reaper Records).
Blown away. Those are the only two words I can use to describe how I felt when I got this. Pick it up. The title track will stick in your head, and remain there for at least a month. I am not even joking. This has happened to me. I find myself walking to the beat, even though im not listening to the song. The EP is the current soundtrack to my life.. Shall I keep going?
2. 50Cents twitter: http://twitter.com/50cent
Dude is funny as fuck. Add him.
3. Nails are touring.. www.myspace.com/unsilentdeath
Nails are miles ahead in the “best new hardcore band” stakes. They are doing a tour in November with Rise and Fall. The London date is on the 24th November at the Islington Academy 2. The rest of the dates are on the link above. You cannot miss this show.
4. Blood for Blood and SOIA on the Persistence tour.
This is not hitting the UK. :/ You HAVE to make it out to one of these shows.
5. Nick Terror’s twitter: http://twitter.com/nickgodie
The videos on this account that Nick puts up are worth it. One of the funniest twitters I have seen in a long time. ADD ADD ADDDD!
6. Winter:
Embrace this. It means that Christmas is coming.. Time off and everything sparkly makes Christmas awesome.. no presents does not.. along with those, there is the hope of snow days. Wrap up warm and feel the love.. (ask me again if I love it in 2 months!)
7. Sheer Terror in Belgium:
Did someone say road trip? For tickets, go to: http://www.trixonline.be/site/content/programma.asp?dag=morgen&id=707
8. Spot the fake uggs.
Girls. Two things. If you can’t afford to spend over £100 on a pair of shoes, very much like myself, then do not buy the fake version. The reason that Uggs are so expensive are because they are well made. So I have two tips to spot the fake ones, and play “spot the fake” on public transport:
a. If the “G” in Ugg at the back isn’t bigger than the other letters, they are fake.
b. If they collapse to one side, they are fake. Real Uggs don’t do that.
If anyone is feeling flash, a pair of Ugg Kensington’s in black would totally be well appreciated.
9. H&M being better than Primark
Last summer/winter has slowly seen Primark hiking up their prices. The chain of stores, whilst still relatively cheap, has been doing this slowly and subtly for the last 2 years.. so slowly that the difference is hardly noticeable. Lets put this into context. Two years ago, I bought a pair of knee high boots for £12. I went into the store two days ago, and they were selling knee high boots for £18. £6 is NOT that much difference, I hear you cry, but this is not the point.. it’s the principal of the matter. I wanted a long jumper. Apparently I found out that the better quality H&M sells them for £5 less than Primark. My loyalty is shifting. Fast.
10. Awesome television..
Yay! Its “fall” which means that the awesomest (yes it’s a word in my world!) shows are back for another series. Grey’s is back.. as well as Dexter.. I love me some Dexter.
My favourits at the moment are the following, though:
Don’t Tell the Bride: Brilliant. Properly brilliant. For all you reading that don’t know what this, it is a program on BBC Three in the UK, where an engaged couple are given £12,000 to get married. A few catches included though.. the bride and groom are separated for three weeks. In these three weeks, the GROOM has to plan the whole wedding with no input from the bride. Usually, the grooms know their betrothed pretty well, but the odd occasion that they don’t makes for incredibly awkward, car crash tv.
Don’t Tell the Bride: Brilliant. Properly brilliant. For all you reading that don’t know what this, it is a program on BBC Three in the UK, where an engaged couple are given £12,000 to get married. A few catches included though.. the bride and groom are separated for three weeks. In these three weeks, the GROOM has to plan the whole wedding with no input from the bride. Usually, the grooms know their betrothed pretty well, but the odd occasion that they don’t makes for incredibly awkward, car crash tv.
An Idiot Abroad: Initially, from the teaser trailers, I thought I was going to hate this.
Oh yay! Ricky Gervais sends an unknown writer (Karl Pilkington) who is terribly moody to see the seven wonders of the world. My pretence was that this was going to be one of those shows where featured person just insults and offends the customs and cultures of another country because he is “so very english” (their words, not mine). Pilkington is surprisingly game for a lot of things, including eating toades in his first episode to riding a camel for 8 hours. Whilst there are many things that he does not want to do, and he IS quite verbal about this, he has, so far, done well to not be offensive to anyones culture and traditions. Hilarious viewing. Watch it.. Sky 1. Thursdays at 9pm
That’s about it.. till next time.
Oh yay! Ricky Gervais sends an unknown writer (Karl Pilkington) who is terribly moody to see the seven wonders of the world. My pretence was that this was going to be one of those shows where featured person just insults and offends the customs and cultures of another country because he is “so very english” (their words, not mine). Pilkington is surprisingly game for a lot of things, including eating toades in his first episode to riding a camel for 8 hours. Whilst there are many things that he does not want to do, and he IS quite verbal about this, he has, so far, done well to not be offensive to anyones culture and traditions. Hilarious viewing. Watch it.. Sky 1. Thursdays at 9pm
That’s about it.. till next time.
Kerl Pilkington an unknown writer? What a strange way to describe him!
haha dude, i had never heard of him before. Ok, so many i had heard his name, but if someone asked me who he was, i wouldnt have been able to tell you.
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