Friday, 30 July 2010


Whilst I am not one who likes to put someone down who is successful, there are a certain few that I tend to laugh at, as they were loser hardcore kids in a former life.

Frank Turner is one of these people. Over a decade ago, there was an incident involving Frank, the then singer of awful band, Kneejerk, and Pierre from Knuckledust. I could go into details but it’s a really old story and I have told it over a thousand times. But it leads to much hilarity when I spot him at a show, (and walk past girls whispering about him) and, as loud as I can, without shouting, say “YOU HURT MY FRIIIIEEENNNDDD”. I usually get a frown, but it provides me with hours of amusement. Good on him though.. he has done well for himself, and worked really hard promoting himself.. Last I heard, he was supporting Green Day on their arena tour. The only way I am ever going to stop teasing him, though, is for him to write one of his depressing “I feel sorry for myself way too much” songs with the above phrase as the words of the chorus.

Andrew O’Neill.…THIS GUY.. In the few years that I used to see him at hardcore shows, I don’t think I ever once saw him smile.. Now don’t get me wrong.. I did not know this guy at all.. he could have been the nicest guy on planet earth, but I knew him as the strange, miserable boy who would come to shows and do a funny “late 90s pointing and looking at the sky” hardcore move, and would often wear skirts. He disappeared around 3-4 years after I first got into hardcore, and the next thing I see, around a decade later, is that he is a comedian……… Wait.. WHAT?!?!?! A COMEDIAN? REALLY? Again, have not seen his stage show, nor, to be honest, do I care to.. but that’s a turnaround for the books!

Saying that, with the amount of people that have come and gone, I am actually surprised that I don’t see more of them on tv, the radio, etc etc etc.

1 comment:

Weeze LdNhK said...

Ha ha. I linked your blog to mine.. and underneath is a mutual friend's of mine & Franks and then I saw the title of yours. He's a good guy, but I know I'm in a hc minority on that one.