Friday, 16 July 2010


(OMG. Not a post about Steve? Holy heavens!).

Sometimes, this world seems like its so full of hate, jealousy, and contempt, that it gets me down. Sometimes, I think of all the people that have done me wrong, and all the people that have hurt me or my loved ones, and I wonder whats wrong with the human race.

On those days.. the days when nothing seems to cheer me up and its grey and gloomy outside? On days when I think that there is no love in this world.. what do i do those days?

I go here. You think im joking?

Yes, its essentially a wedding photos website, there are also baby pictures, birthday pictures and engagement pictures. My favourite photographer is Matt, a guy I used to know.. which was how i was alerted to the site.

Not only does the site have the most beautiful pictures i have ever seen, but they are full of happiness and joy and so much love.

This renews my faith in the human race.


Anonymous said...

I was on the bus yesterday thinking pretty much the same thing, this really young chavvy looking woman with two kids screaming got on and she was yelling at them to shut the f##k up. F this, f that and so on.

Some old black dude sat behind them, had a Jamaican accent, lent forward and started making faces at the baby so it started giggling and stopped crying.
He lent back and said, there's so much and aggression in this world. Just be nice to each other. It's not that hard. Smiling away and being all positive.
Cheered my journey into work up considerably. It worked even better when said in the easy going Jamaican accent too.

Miss Caroline said...

i do this. i like looking at wedding photos. but then if i look at too many happy smiley people in love i start to get bitter again. oh vicious circle.