- Google Buzz: OH YAY! YAAAY! Another social media site that I can sign up to , and post everything that I am doing at all times of the day! Sadly, the latter portion of that statement is sort of true and whilst I have refrained somewhat in recent months, I am guilty of this, so here was another way of wasting my day away, not actually doing stuff, but posting about it.
I will admit that I was marginally shocked this morning when I opened up my Gmail account, and was greeted with a introduction screen, that basically said “O, HAI! Come see what you can do NOW with your Gmail account”. I was excited to some extent.. Facebook was being a pain, and had introduced many features that I really didn’t care for (privacy being jeopardized, and having to read every sodding comment by every single of my mutual 500 friends when they posted things directed to each other.. oh and by the way, Facebook, I don’t care how many of my friends like pickles) . The site had also changed its layout around 3 times in the past couple of months and was terribly terribly glitchy, sometimes not even working at all. This was the reason that I had basically abandoned many social networking sites from the past, since I started all those years ago, when MakeOutClub was still the best thing ever. Friendster came along, started acting up, so moved onto myspace and then facebook, everytime each site started getting too many error messages.
Google haven’t managed to get the Euro/US market in this area. They attempted a site with Orkut (yes, I have one of those too but its defunct much like my myspace and friendster profiles), that failed everywhere but India and South America, and GoogleWave, which was meant to take over everything but slightly fell flat on its, um, “face” as it was too “developer” based.
SO now, they are killing two birds with one stone. They do not need to build up another following.. they already have millions of users with GMail. They have already roped in both Flickr (one of the biggest photohosting sites on the internet) and Twitter (although slightly held back because you can post FROM Buzz to your Twitter but not the other way round). Will this take over Facebook? Dear God, I hope so.. then Zuckerberg or whatever his name is, can get of his high horse and realise that his site’s popularity wont last forever. And unfortunately, unlike the music side of MySpace, Facebook really has nothing to hold onto and will be a distant memory in the SNW like Friendster.
IPad- Are you a Mac or a PC? I, for one, am def a PC. I love Windows, and have been using the system for God knows how many years. My Apple love only goes as far as my Ipod, which, no matter how indifferent I am to Apple, is the best MP3 player that I have owned. I have neither bowed down to the IPhone (my loyalty lies with the other team, Blackberry, here, as well), think that the Touch is terribly overpriced for what you get, and wont even CONSIDER trading up a laptop with a Macbook that will cost more than 3 times the price.
I was slightly indifferent to the hype surrounding the IPad. I read up on it before the release and things that were being predicted sounded pretty cool.. and many of these features were not available. An awesome webcam? No. Not too big? No. Super thin and elegant? No.
When it was finally released, we were faced with, what essentially is, a massive Ipod Touch. Yay. I laughed. Considering I had been waiting to see if this was better than getting a Mini Laptop, I was bitterly disappointed. Not only did the tablet not have a webcam (something, according to tech sites today, is probably going to be changed in the near future), but the most memory you can get is 16GB, and the damn thing doesn’t even play flash sites, so no online streaming programmes for me. Save yourself a couple of hundred quid and go with a Dell Mini laptop.. far more functional, and better value for money.
Other PC companies, such as HP, are following suit soon though, with their own tablets, so maybe hold off till then.
Saying that, if Apple want to send me one to review fully, who am I to say no?
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