Saturday, 14 June 2008

RunningRiotFest AKA Ninjafest

Ninjafest is over. Myself and Rachel promised each other from the start that if one of us left, the name would go with them. Both Rach and Louise decided that last year would be the last time they would be involved.

I decided to continue. Ninjafest, although terribly stressful, was one of the best times of the year for me. I would put on a fest at the same venue, over the same weekend, with the same sort of theme, but under a different name. I was such an organizational nazi anyway that I knew that I would be able to sort out everything anyway. 2 of my best friends proved to be the most help last year so they are in with me, helping me out.

So the name. For months, I deliberated over names. I knew that it was the last one, but started thinking about a name for the next last June. I was stuck. Then, one day, when on tour, I was talking to the dudes and was like "I can't think of a name!".. Colin turned to me and started reeling off amazing names, old UK punk songs, and then said "Running Riot!". That was the one.
"You come from a country with such amazing punk history, I can't believe you can't come up with a name.". I didn't even think of that. Naming it after a Cocksparrer song was genius (thanks Colin!!).

So here we are. 5 Months away from the fest, and its pretty much completely booked. The smaller bands are done, just waiting on headliners to confirm and then thats that.

While I was worried I would only end up with tough bands (everyone knows my love for tough guy bands), the line up is looking pretty sweet and quite diverse. I returned the original idea of Ninjafest. I didn't care what people thought and I am only generally putting on bands that I am proper psyched on seeing.

so ADD. Line up should be announced in the next couple of weeks

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