Thursday, 31 July 2008

The Ladder Theory

I first became fully aware of The Ladder Theory YEARS ago. I was hanging out at one of my favourite haunts, a walkabout bar (drunk aussie boys.. doesn't get much better than that) with a bunch of aussie boys I know. We, somehow, got onto the topic of male/female relationships and one of the boys declared that 80% of my male friends wanted to fuck me, and that is why they hung out with me. I thought this concept was hilarious and told him he was being an idiot. He looked at me, and said "why would guys want to hang out with girls.. they can't talk about football, we can't be as open when there are girls around and girls can't drink". (UM.. HELLO? I CAN TOTALLY OUTDRINK THE MAJORITY OF MY MALE FRIENDS IF CHALLENGED!).
Still laughing at his theory, I questioned it.
"so, you want to fuck me?"
"oh yeah." he answered, all, a matter of factly.
"liar," I replied, now in hysterics.
"Seriously. This is not a line. All three of us out with you tonight would. In fact, most of the dudes you hang out with would."

Now, don't get me wrong, I am WELL aware that most of my male friends do not want to have sex with me, and this is something that I am comfortable with. I found this idea as ridiculous as "The Rules," which is a book about how to snag a man (read: how to play games to snag a man) that I read when at University for an essay I was writing.

So, laughing about it, I questioned a bunch of my male friends, and one of them led me to The Ladder Theory. So that night, in my boredom, I read the whole site.

My male friend swears by it. He says this is totally how the male mind works and questioned me about the female aspect of it.

I am going to keep my thoughts about it to myself for the moment.
But have a read of it. Its pretty interesting.

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