Im old. This is something I am neither ashamed of, nor proud of. Its a simple fact.
The way that I found out about bands when I first got into hardcore is totally different to how kids find out about them now. We weren't spoonfed bands via the internet. I would get a cd/tape (told you I was old), and read the thank yous in the liner notes. Kids i respected would make me mix tapes (I remember getting one from my friend Danny that had Murphys Law "Stay Gold", one of my all time favourite songs, and Judge "New York Crew", with the words "the only hardcore song you will ever need" next to it, on it.). I would go to shows and check out what shirts kids were wearing. I remember seeing the name "As Friends Rust" a lot so when they played, I went and checked them out.
I loved them.
The songs were perfect. Damiens voice is phenomenal. "The first song on the tape that you make her", "home is where the heart aches" and "coffee black" have been three of my favourite songs forever and AFR have been one of my favourite bands since that show.
I would get that buzz everytime I heard they were coming through town, and would leave their shows with no voice...
Damien left in 2002 and the band split.
Rumours began to surface at the beginning of this year that the band were reforming for a couple of shows and in spring, a show in their hometown of Gainsville, Florida, and a handful of shows in Europe were announced.
Feelings of both excitement and scepticism passed through most AFR fans. The band hadn't been together for such a long time, and reunions were never as good as when the band were together.
Boy, was everyone wrong. The band played like they had never split up, to the best reaction seen for a long time in London. Kids packed up front, singing along like their life depended on it.
Rumours that they are to release a new album soon have been floating around since the reunion show. Lets hope so.
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