* Twitter, BBM, MSN, AIM, Myspace, Facebook, email..
What have these mediums of communication done for friendships? Granted, they are terribly useful for my close close friends who live abroad, but for all the people I dont know that well, have maybe spoken to a couple of times? Do I REALLY need to know what you had for lunch? And what has it done to my real life friendships? I think all of you should ask yourselves that.
Sadly enough, I wanted to have a "communication free week" sometime this year.. The furthest I would allow was texting. Unfortunately, this is not possible as every week i looked at, there was some reason when i would need at least one of the above to get in contact with someone about something (shows im putting on, fests im flying out to, hols im planning, running riot fest...).
* Pressurefest, part 2..
Pressure Fest - August 8th and 9th
Location: TBA
Ticketprices: TBA
Line up comfirmed so far:
H2O (US)
Iron Age (US)
xKingdomx (US)
Madball (US)
Reign Supreme (US)
xRhinocerusx (US)
This is Hell (US)
More bands to be added soon, news following...
Party hotel is booked for mark 1 (literally, this will be the party hotel).. Summer is shaping up awesome.
* RunningRiot Fest booking has officially began. I have booked 3 bands out of the 20, that is not including BOTH break bands. If you want to get on the fest, drop me an email to runningriotfest@gmail.com. Bribes accepted but do not guarantee a slot on the fest.. HAHAHAHA.
* i love Lolcats.com.