The right to vote is something that the people of England don`t take seriously enough. While elections for prime minister usually have a good turn out, local and mayoral election turn outs are poor.
The London Elections are coming up in a month, where London will vote to elect a new mayor, or re-elect Ken Livingston, as well as a representative for local constituenies in the London Assembly in City Hall (pictured).
The local elections are something I generally dont bother with, but I decided to check and see who would be running for the London Assembly in my area. I was happy to find that the British National Party had no canditates running here, which gave me a sense of comfort as it shows that there would be small or no support for this party from Merton and Wandsworth. I then looked down and with horror realised that the area that is four streets down from mine had a National Front candidate. I urge you all to go and check and see who is running and if one of these parties are running in your area and if so, to go and vote against them.
In regards to the London Mayoral Election, look into all the policies before you decide to vote. The two main players at the moment are Ken Livingston from The Labour Party, who is looking to be re-elected after eight years, and Boris Johnson from the Conservatives. The race is tight, with opinion polls showing only 1% difference in their support.
Not to try and bias your opinion, but would you rather someone that knew London after having the job for 8 years, or someone that went to Eton, has nothing to do with this city and brags to homeless people about how he owns a house that is worth "load-sa-moooooney!"(no he didn't use those words but they weren't far off).
And finally, we are all too lazy when it comes to voting, which is why parties like the BNP and NF can still function. Supporters of these parties will go out and vote, making it seem that they are more popular then they actually are. Even if you are going to vote for the looney party, do not give up your right. It takes less than 10 mins of your day.
you can't put that in quotes if Boris didn't say it!!
I love elections.. I love voting. Haha.. Though I'm still undecided on who to go for..I don't think Ken's doing a bad job, but I do love Boris & would welcome a change.. or maybe i'll just go green.. hmmm. I've told a couple of mates of mine that its fine they never vote.. but they promised if the BNP started getting a lot bigger they would go and vote against them for me! hehe x
"shedloads of money"
were his exact words, so it wasnt far off.. and the quotes were used for the harry hill reference haha
Here you go, heres the original article:
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