In March of this year, a Tory MP in Kent, caused uproar when he posted the following words in his personal blog:
“I think there is an increasingly strong case for compulsory sterilisation of all those who have a second, (or third, or whatever) child while living off state hand-outs.”
John Ward, who has sat on Medway council in Kent, for the past 8 years, made a public apology saying his comments were "tongue in cheek".
The family that he cited as an example was the family of Shannon Matthews, the recently "kidnapped" daugher of Karen Matthews. Karen has fathered seven children from five different men and has been living on benefits for x amount of years.
The 9 year old child disappeared and was found 25 days later, after a huge media campaign, in her stepfathers uncles house, in a drawer under his bed. Her stepfather was arrested for "possesing indecent images of minors" on his computer and the story unfolds as it is emerging that the child was alleged not kidnapped but it was, in fact, a ploy to get some cash out of the media and the general public, claiming the money was to help find the child. The idea was all taken from a storyline in the AWFUL Channel 4 television series, Shameless.
Personally, im with John Ward on this one.
you have NO taste. Shameless is amazing. Debbie is a hero of mine. (Or heroine I suppose..)
i agree with you on this one!
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