Roll on two thousand and ten. Plans are already being made.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Thanks 2009!!
Thank you for all the laughs, for opening my eyes about certain things, for showing me something I didn't believe in before, and mostly thank you for the good health of everyone I love.
Friday, 11 December 2009
An open letter to A:
Dear A.
On Wednesday 9th December, 2009, myself and my friend Tom attended your concert at the Islington Academy in Angel.
Being quite a big fan in the late 90s, I was very excited to, lets say, relive my youth.
Firstly, Kids In Glass Houses suck and do not know how to respond to hecklers. Please educate them when mastering their new album which will, no doubt, be rubbish not through any fault of yours, Jason. They are just not a good band musically .. You can't polish a turd and all that.. (if you could also ask them to stop raping that Glassjaw song, that would be grand, thanks.).
Secondly, Jason Perry, you have not aged in the past 10 years and I would like to know your secret.
And finally, and my most important point:
I loved your band and have many awesome memories watching you live. I had been very excited about the show. I thought you guys played very well, and played some songs that I loved, especially the tracks off "A Vs Monkey Kong". BUT I am one of the older generation of A fans, and "How Ace are Buildings?" still gets heavy rotation on my ipod. So imagine my surprise when, at the end of the show, I realize that we were only going to get Foghorn played live. Disappointed is too tame a word to describe how i felt. GUTTED was more like it.
I will say this though. It has been a long time since I have been at a show that was so much fun that my good mood flows over to the next day. I DID spend your whole set grinning.
So I am requesting you do another tour, and play songs only off your first 2 albums as I would really like to see you do "No1" one last time.
Thank you,
M x
PS. This song was the best part of the whole set (minus foghorn of course).
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
"I'm your biggest fan, i'll follow you till you love me..."
The post before this entry is important. Very important. But I feel the need to write this before my mind explodes.
I have had "Papparazzi" by Lady Gaga stuck in my head for roughly three days now. Nothing, I mean NOTHING, will shift it.. I have tried everything, from my favorite songs ever, to Christmas songs (usually, "Winter Wonderland" works a treat) to shift it. Nothing. I wake up and its there. I go to work, its there. I listen to my Ipod and I wish I could be listening to it. Its getting bad.
Whats the problem, you ask? I HATE Lady Gaga... I hate hearing her songs, I hate seeing her perform on the telly and I hate reading about her and her stupid outfits in not only magazines, but newspapers too. I am sick of her.
And the thing is, I wrote my disseration at University on "Artists" like her, who use image and shock to sell records and I can't believe that people buy into this still.
I predict by this time next year, she will look totally normal, just be a bit "nutty".
I dont know.. Maybe I'm just angry because she gets to kiss Hot Vampire Sheriff (even if he DOES look like around 50% of every male that comes out of Scandinavia, not the point!).
Monday, 23 November 2009

friend (frěnd) n.
Someone said something to me this weekend that stuck in my mind and hasn't left. It made me think of friendships from the past, how people treated me, and how I want to be treated today.
And the best thing is, I'm finally at peace and not upset anymore. Not because I forgive nor forget. But because I realize that I simply don't care.
The need to bitch about people behind their backs left me a long time ago. Why? Because I don't feel the need to bully/put down anyone else. I am, by no means, perfect. Until you ARE perfect, until you are free of criticism by others, and until noone has a bad word to say about you then you too have no right to either.
I defend many people. People that are disliked by a lot. But what are you gaining? And have you heard the full story? Something that happened recently made me realize that I hadnt.
People make mistakes. People who dont go out to hurt people intentionally are the good people. The people I want to be around. People who dont go out to intentionally hurt ME are the people I want to be around.
So say what you like about me. People have spent YEARS trying to make other people hate me. Some have suceeded. I don't want to be mates with people that can be swayed by other people's opinion anyway. So talk shit because really.. I actually don't care.
and sometimes.. just sometimes.. saying nothing at all when people say stuff about me to you is worse than joining in the conversation.
And sometimes.. some things just can't be forgotten and I will never ever forgive.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
RunningRiotFest is going on a hiatus
For the foreseeable future, there will be no fest. People keep telling me I will get the itch. And in all honesty, i dont think I will.
Thank you to all the bands that played both fests, all the punters that came out, everyone who helped (including the people that offered help) and thank you to all of my friends, especially the ones that travel over oceans to surprise me, because they know that it will make me happier than ever.
Heres to new friends, old friends and best friends of them all. Much love.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Treat others how you would like to be treated.
People that are TOO nice are the most two faced of them all.. You have to have some hate. If you dont, you arent human. But when you act like the hate doesnt exist, like its not even there, and say things to other people against someone who you smile and laugh to, its not that person that looks bad. Its you.
Especially if the person you hate is not a bad person at all.
Not aimed specifically at anyone, just a thought.
Especially if the person you hate is not a bad person at all.
Not aimed specifically at anyone, just a thought.
Friday, 16 October 2009
Mind= Blown
RunningRiotFest is in about a week.
It is nice that people that I didnt expect to have come out of the woodwork to help me with this.
This is the only thing I have to update.
It is nice that people that I didnt expect to have come out of the woodwork to help me with this.
This is the only thing I have to update.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
"Youre as straight as the line..."
Seriously. I want to watch this movie. Why? I dont know. What are they going to say that I wasnt aware of before?
If tickets are super cheap, im going. If not, im going to stay at home and watch Edge of Quarrel. And no, im not joking.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Want Want Want

I am slightly obsessed with getting my hands on a pair of these trainers. I saw them in Footlocker this time last year and put off buying them for too long, and now they are gone. They are pretty much my perfect pair of Air Max's. All red? Yes please! Also, Nike ID is pretty lame. I am not paying over double what I usually pay for a pair of 90s so i can have the colourway that I want.
If ANYONE knows of a legit place online that isnt charging an arm and a leg for these, let me know. I need to have them.

God only knows why once a year, I do this to myself. This year is a lot less stressful due to mainly uk bands and no work permits worries.
ANYHOW, the line up is as follows:
Saturday 24th October
Black Friday '29 (De)
Down and Outs
Give (USA)
Hang The Bastard
Famine (Ire)
Union Town (Nl)
Hard Target
Sunday 25th October
Dead Swans
Deal With It
Injury Time
Cold Snap
Cold Ones
Chains of Hate
HalfPastDeath (De)
Breaking Point
Doors 1pm
First band on shortly after
Tax: £11 a day/ £20 for the weekend in Advance
for more info, please go to and look at the blog.
If you are bored, post up a flyer somewhere.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Oh Hardcore. How i love you.
A couple of things.
1. Pressurefest was awesome.
2. Check out the Ieperfest Line up.
3. RunningRiotfest Line up is up..
4. add LDNLove on twitter.
5. Pics up from the Dirty Money/Bitter End show up.
Click on the pic below to see them:
1. Pressurefest was awesome.
2. Check out the Ieperfest Line up.
3. RunningRiotfest Line up is up..
4. add LDNLove on twitter.
5. Pics up from the Dirty Money/Bitter End show up.
Click on the pic below to see them:

Monday, 3 August 2009
Bettie Mae Designs
A year ago, on a trip to Newquay, i was introduced by a good friend to Claire, who makes the most incredible handbags, the best hair flowers and now jewellery. I have spent so much money on her stuff, its ridiculous.. but all well worth it.. having a box come from her is like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one.

I REALLY want these earrings, but can't afford to buy anything that isnt food this month. ha.
Go and check out her Ebay store. You wont be disappointed.

I REALLY want these earrings, but can't afford to buy anything that isnt food this month. ha.
Go and check out her Ebay store. You wont be disappointed.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Life is good. I am happy.
Summer is here. You wouldnt have thought it with the weather, but so far, its been bangin.
so far, been all about:
- him.
- Big Brother
- Booking RunningRiotFest (nearly all done!)
- Summer Dresses
- Trips away.
- Weddings
- Newquay, Rach, Ruby and Wayne.
- My new heels.
I am slightly obsessed with the new Black Eyed Peas song. The first time I heard it, I was in a hotel room in Germany waiting for Lynne to turn up, drifting off to sleep after travelling from Sweden. I hated it but now I love it and it is definetly my Summer 2009 song... I am well aware that it is not great. But still, I love it.
and finally, pics from the Gravemaker show I put on in April are up.. click on the pic for a link! Thanks to Joerg for finding these for me!!
Summer is here. You wouldnt have thought it with the weather, but so far, its been bangin.
so far, been all about:
- him.
- Big Brother
- Booking RunningRiotFest (nearly all done!)
- Summer Dresses
- Trips away.
- Weddings
- Newquay, Rach, Ruby and Wayne.
- My new heels.
I am slightly obsessed with the new Black Eyed Peas song. The first time I heard it, I was in a hotel room in Germany waiting for Lynne to turn up, drifting off to sleep after travelling from Sweden. I hated it but now I love it and it is definetly my Summer 2009 song... I am well aware that it is not great. But still, I love it.
and finally, pics from the Gravemaker show I put on in April are up.. click on the pic for a link! Thanks to Joerg for finding these for me!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009
A blog you should check out.
I met John McKaig a couple of years ago, but do not know him more than to say hello to when he pops up at shows here in London every once in a while.
He has a blog that every couple of months, I go back and check because I am reminded that he takes not only amazing photographs at shows, but he leads a pretty interesting life and every once in a while, someone I know will pop up in the pictures.
Click on the pic to get to his Livejournal:
He has a blog that every couple of months, I go back and check because I am reminded that he takes not only amazing photographs at shows, but he leads a pretty interesting life and every once in a while, someone I know will pop up in the pictures.
Click on the pic to get to his Livejournal:

Thursday, 16 July 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Oh Channel 4 News. How I love thee.
So here goes. 2 British National Party members get voted into the European Cabinet. Nick Griffin, the leader, being one, and Andrew Brons being the other. What do Channel 4 News do? Get their John Snow in to do the interview? No. They get Krishnan Guru-Murthy to do it. Genius. Watch this. Incredible
Monday, 8 June 2009
"Love the girl who holds the world in a paper cup..."
I love Me First and The Gimme Gimmes. I love them on record. I love their live shows. I just think they are awesome.
Last nights London show was incredible.
Anyhow, you should love them too.
There are a handful of bands that I reckon I could watch everyday and not get sick of them. I think Me First have enough covers for me to be able to see them every day for at least a couple of years.
Fuck. I love them.
Last nights London show was incredible.
Anyhow, you should love them too.
There are a handful of bands that I reckon I could watch everyday and not get sick of them. I think Me First have enough covers for me to be able to see them every day for at least a couple of years.
Fuck. I love them.
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Hardcore/Clothing Label Collabos

The Hundreds are releasing around half a dozen shirts as a "Tribute to Hardcore" along with other designers and Revelation Records.
Out of the whole bunch, the only one I find even vaguely appealing is the "Chain of Strength" shirt (as pictured above), and in reality, this is only because it looks so similar to the original COS shirt design.
The line will apparently be released tomorrow. Prices have not yet been released.
My thoughts?
If you want to do something for hardcore, to "thank hardcore for hardcore", then go to a show, support your local bands, support touring bands, buy merch from them.
But there is a link up there so make up your own mind.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
A lovely "couple of things" update.
Insomnia is a bitch, and whilst one would rather be asleep, I am not going to attempt to do so before at least 10pm as it will frustrate me, thus making the insomnia even worse.
- LondonCalling has been updated. If you follow this blog, you should totally follow that one too. You should also follow the LondonCalling/LDNLove Twitter which is located HERE.
- H2O are touring. I'm 'cited. Lynne is 'cited. Should be awesome
- I love Nu-Metal:
- I also love Betrayed and cannot WAIT for Pressurefest.
Monday, 11 May 2009

A very senior manager that I had previously worked with pointed out the similarities between myself and this comic strip character. I love her. Its the first part of The Metro that I read, and i often find myself chuckling at her predicament as I can usually totally relate.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Its not about who you know. Its not about what you do. Its not about how much you have done.
The reality is that noone in hardcore is "cool". Go out on the street, and ask anyone if they know you, know your band, know what you do, and they would look at you like you are insane.
It has always been about respect... being able to voice an opinion (and God knows, I have been crucified for this).. being stood in a room where you feel safe... at home.
You aren't a legend. You aren't John Joseph. You arent Henry Rollins. You aren't Ian Mackaye. These people earned it. They are smart. Intelligent. Never bullied people into respecting them.
You are nothing. A nobody. Don't ever forget that.
The reality is that noone in hardcore is "cool". Go out on the street, and ask anyone if they know you, know your band, know what you do, and they would look at you like you are insane.
It has always been about respect... being able to voice an opinion (and God knows, I have been crucified for this).. being stood in a room where you feel safe... at home.
You aren't a legend. You aren't John Joseph. You arent Henry Rollins. You aren't Ian Mackaye. These people earned it. They are smart. Intelligent. Never bullied people into respecting them.
You are nothing. A nobody. Don't ever forget that.
Monday, 20 April 2009
I've been getting away with it all my life.
Electronic- Getting away with it.
This track is possibly one of my favourite songs ever written.. and the beauty of it is that its a track that isn't too well known. The song was released orginally in 1989 by the side project band, Electronic, which featured Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys, Bernard Sumner from New Order and Jonny Marr, who used to guitar for the Smiths.
While none of the bands other releases interest me at all, this track will, at least once a week, stick in my head for at least a day.
Apparently, according to its WIKI page, it has only ever been performed live a handful of times and only reached number 12 in the UK charts (when the UK charts actually meant something unlike today).
(make sure you click to the right song as there are a bunch of videos on this one)
Electronic TV on MUZU.
Lady Gaga was on Jonathan Ross on Friday night. It was possibly one of the most uncomfortable interviews I have had the misfortune to watch, and for the first time in my life, my heart went out to Ross. One word answers and coy glares at him. You arent mysterious, your music is rubbish, and you are odd looking. And it fucking sucks that your latest song is one of the catchiest songs being played EVERYWHERE at the moment.
I want to punch you in your po-po-poker face.
This track is possibly one of my favourite songs ever written.. and the beauty of it is that its a track that isn't too well known. The song was released orginally in 1989 by the side project band, Electronic, which featured Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys, Bernard Sumner from New Order and Jonny Marr, who used to guitar for the Smiths.
While none of the bands other releases interest me at all, this track will, at least once a week, stick in my head for at least a day.
Apparently, according to its WIKI page, it has only ever been performed live a handful of times and only reached number 12 in the UK charts (when the UK charts actually meant something unlike today).
(make sure you click to the right song as there are a bunch of videos on this one)
Electronic TV on MUZU.
Lady Gaga was on Jonathan Ross on Friday night. It was possibly one of the most uncomfortable interviews I have had the misfortune to watch, and for the first time in my life, my heart went out to Ross. One word answers and coy glares at him. You arent mysterious, your music is rubbish, and you are odd looking. And it fucking sucks that your latest song is one of the catchiest songs being played EVERYWHERE at the moment.
I want to punch you in your po-po-poker face.
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Football songs.
Like, never a good idea. But this one has always been my favourite. I mean, not only is it New Order, but its also got the John Barnes rap. THE BEST.
Susan Boyle
Can someone please explain to me how this woman has become such an icon?
She turned up to a talent show, was not the most normal looking lady (i am saying this because other blogs/newspaper articles have been pretty harsh about her.. calling her ugly.. so when i heard the story, i was expecting a beast..) who has never been kissed, and lives with cats.
And she can sing. Well.
She proved people judge based on looks alone.
I could have told you that in 30 seconds.
It is pretty cute though. You should watch it:
She turned up to a talent show, was not the most normal looking lady (i am saying this because other blogs/newspaper articles have been pretty harsh about her.. calling her ugly.. so when i heard the story, i was expecting a beast..) who has never been kissed, and lives with cats.
And she can sing. Well.
She proved people judge based on looks alone.
I could have told you that in 30 seconds.
It is pretty cute though. You should watch it:
Sunday, 12 April 2009
I need your help
Insomnia. Its a fucking bitch.
I would like to hear Todd Jones band, Nails, and google is not co-operating.
They must have some music up SOMEWHERE. HELP. ME.
Also, hardcore bands you should be checking out right now as they are fucking awesome:
- Trapped Under Ice
- Cheap Thrills
- The Ice
- Cold Snap (the uk band not US band)
- Gravemaker
- Freeze up
- Cold Ones
Podcast number 5 is done and should be online soon. Keep an eye out on and if you havent, download the other four (except the first as that one kinda sucks).
I would like to hear Todd Jones band, Nails, and google is not co-operating.
They must have some music up SOMEWHERE. HELP. ME.
Also, hardcore bands you should be checking out right now as they are fucking awesome:
- Trapped Under Ice
- Cheap Thrills
- The Ice
- Cold Snap (the uk band not US band)
- Gravemaker
- Freeze up
- Cold Ones
Podcast number 5 is done and should be online soon. Keep an eye out on and if you havent, download the other four (except the first as that one kinda sucks).
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Saturday, 28 March 2009
I was going to write a whole big post up about Vice and the hatred I feel towards the whole culture that surrounds this magazine/site, but I feel the need to post about more positive things. So here goes:
- - This coming friday, Gravemaker are playing. I am sure the flyer is down there somewhere, but here is a link to it again. Shows going to be awesome. Come down.
- - Pressurefest tickets for the June edition are onsale and I am the UK rep selling them. Shows going to be awesome. For more info, please go HERE.
- - Ryanair. This time last year, Ryanair charged £16 for the privilege of having airport check in and luggage stowed in the hold. This year, they are charging £40 for the same privilege. Is that even legal? My love affair with this airline is fast ending, and I feel i am going to be looking elsewhere for my trip to Germany this summer.. Understandable that costs for flights have gone up since the credit crunch, but this should be explained as opposed to implementing charges such as THIS. To add insult to injury, while I am aware that the pound isnt currently that much stronger than the euro, they are still charging 40€ for the same service they are charging £40 to provide us. I am currently looking into flying back to Heathrow, getting a meal on my flight and being able to put my bags in for £20 more.. and at least I know that oxygen masks will work.
- The amount that dentists charge is extortionate. The amount I am going to have to pay next week is worrying me, and I have no idea where im going to get it from.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Get This Right Zine
Dave Heck was the first person I interviewed in this blog. Steller dude.
He has put a bunch of his zines up on Blogspot.
You should read them here.
He has also taken that pic i had linked to his myspace off. damnit, now i have to find another one.
He has put a bunch of his zines up on Blogspot.
You should read them here.
He has also taken that pic i had linked to his myspace off. damnit, now i have to find another one.
Monday, 16 March 2009
To say I love music is an understatement. Its my life.
I recently discovered Spotify.
This programme has made me ridiculously happy. While I will actively go and look for hardcore or bands i want to listen to, I am lazy in every other genre.
Spotify has solved this problem for me. While the hardcore library on there isnt terribly extensive, I have found every single song I have been looking for all evening.
In addition to this, you can make collab playlists with fellow friends on Spotify.
Genius. Pure Genius.
I recently discovered Spotify.
This programme has made me ridiculously happy. While I will actively go and look for hardcore or bands i want to listen to, I am lazy in every other genre.
Spotify has solved this problem for me. While the hardcore library on there isnt terribly extensive, I have found every single song I have been looking for all evening.
In addition to this, you can make collab playlists with fellow friends on Spotify.
Genius. Pure Genius.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Skinheads.. Skinheads rule.. Skinheads..

The internet is failing me today. I have become somewhat obsessed with this picture, and want to know more about the subject, but all I can seem to find out is what book the picture is in and nothing about him.
The book is called "Skinhead" and its "author" is Nick Knight (I use the quotation marks as its a series of photos of EastEnd Skins from the late 70s and early 80s).
Thats all I have got. Help.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Israel from the other side.
Recently, hardcore band "Hello Bastards", based in London, but with members from all over the world, played a couple of shows in Israel.
One of their friends that travelled with them wrote about it in his blog.
You should read it.
One of their friends that travelled with them wrote about it in his blog.
You should read it.
"There is a new blog on the Kurohata profile regarding our recent visit to Israel/Palestine. There are 2 reports, part 1 was written in Israel part 2 was written on our return.
Pt 1
http://blogs. myspace. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=blog. view&friendId=308381685&blogId=473904133
Pt 2
http://blogs. myspace. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=blog. view&friendId=308381685&blogId=473904623 "
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
"and if its ok, i'll grab my shit and leave.."
I dont know why i ever bother posting that I want things as i never get them.. haha I mean, I didnt even get birthday presents off anyone other than Kev but that is a different story for a different bitter entry altogether.
ANYHOW. I REALLY WANT ONE OF THE SUPER7 GORILLA BISCUIT MODELS. Last time they went onsale, they sold out in minutes and I am determined to get my hands on one at the end of march. Unless someone has the first "press" that they want to sell me.
So fucking good... click on the pic to see the blog entry on it.
ANYHOW. I REALLY WANT ONE OF THE SUPER7 GORILLA BISCUIT MODELS. Last time they went onsale, they sold out in minutes and I am determined to get my hands on one at the end of march. Unless someone has the first "press" that they want to sell me.
So fucking good... click on the pic to see the blog entry on it.

Tell me what have I done to deserve this?
My taste in music has always been questionable to say the least. From the fact that I can sing any NKOTB song off by heart, to the fact that when I was a child, I was convinced that I was going to marry Neil Tennant from the Pet Shop Boys because I thought they made such beautiful music. The day I found out he was gay, I was crushed. haha.
I loved the finale of The Brits this year.
Anyhow, apparently Terrorvision are reforming to celebrate the fact that "How to make friends and influence people" is 15 years old.
This band were AWFUL. I knew they were awful. Looking back on their videos now, I am totally reminded of that... But fuck I loved them.
Apparently, they are going to play the entirety of the album, in chronological order..
How bad they are doesnt mean that I dont really want to see them on the 12th April at the Shepherds Bush Empire, haha.
I loved the finale of The Brits this year.
Anyhow, apparently Terrorvision are reforming to celebrate the fact that "How to make friends and influence people" is 15 years old.
This band were AWFUL. I knew they were awful. Looking back on their videos now, I am totally reminded of that... But fuck I loved them.
Apparently, they are going to play the entirety of the album, in chronological order..
How bad they are doesnt mean that I dont really want to see them on the 12th April at the Shepherds Bush Empire, haha.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
How to make me happy
There are few things in life I love.. My family, my friends, Hardcore, New Found Glory, and NKOTB.
One of my greatest loves, and equally as big guilty pleasures, is Nu Metal. Granted, this love is focused on Nu Metal circa 1993-1997, but still. Its nu metal.
I can sing all of Korn songs pre-"follow the leader" (and im pretty sure i can sing a bunch of those too.).. I know all the words to wait and bleed by slipknot. I know all the words to ALL Limp Bizkit songs up to Chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavoured water.
I do not care that people think im sad because of this....Seriously.
I am so psyched about Download this year, its untrue. Its going to be like I am 16 years old again!
so, here you go. What i have spent the last hour of my life doing. Watching Nu Metal music videos..
(maybe not so much. but it would amusing).
and finally.. this was later on. but he does the nu metal dance so it needs a special mention.
I love nu metal.
One of my greatest loves, and equally as big guilty pleasures, is Nu Metal. Granted, this love is focused on Nu Metal circa 1993-1997, but still. Its nu metal.
I can sing all of Korn songs pre-"follow the leader" (and im pretty sure i can sing a bunch of those too.).. I know all the words to wait and bleed by slipknot. I know all the words to ALL Limp Bizkit songs up to Chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavoured water.
I do not care that people think im sad because of this....Seriously.
I am so psyched about Download this year, its untrue. Its going to be like I am 16 years old again!
so, here you go. What i have spent the last hour of my life doing. Watching Nu Metal music videos..
(maybe not so much. but it would amusing).
and finally.. this was later on. but he does the nu metal dance so it needs a special mention.
I love nu metal.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
I should be sleeping
Someone found this blog via searching "Nathan Bean SxE" on google. I found this highly amusing. People find it usually because of xsheepx and Dave Heck (you would not even begin to imagine how many people google these names from all over), but I have not been as amused as someone searching for Nate... purely because it was so random.
Anyhow, hes in a band called Rot In Hell who are pretty good. You should check them out..
Anyhow, hes in a band called Rot In Hell who are pretty good. You should check them out..
Sunday, 1 March 2009
* Twitter, BBM, MSN, AIM, Myspace, Facebook, email..
What have these mediums of communication done for friendships? Granted, they are terribly useful for my close close friends who live abroad, but for all the people I dont know that well, have maybe spoken to a couple of times? Do I REALLY need to know what you had for lunch? And what has it done to my real life friendships? I think all of you should ask yourselves that.
Sadly enough, I wanted to have a "communication free week" sometime this year.. The furthest I would allow was texting. Unfortunately, this is not possible as every week i looked at, there was some reason when i would need at least one of the above to get in contact with someone about something (shows im putting on, fests im flying out to, hols im planning, running riot fest...).
* Pressurefest, part 2..
Pressure Fest - August 8th and 9th
Location: TBA
Ticketprices: TBA
Line up comfirmed so far:
H2O (US)
Iron Age (US)
xKingdomx (US)
Madball (US)
Reign Supreme (US)
xRhinocerusx (US)
This is Hell (US)
More bands to be added soon, news following...
Party hotel is booked for mark 1 (literally, this will be the party hotel).. Summer is shaping up awesome.
* RunningRiot Fest booking has officially began. I have booked 3 bands out of the 20, that is not including BOTH break bands. If you want to get on the fest, drop me an email to Bribes accepted but do not guarantee a slot on the fest.. HAHAHAHA.
* i love
What have these mediums of communication done for friendships? Granted, they are terribly useful for my close close friends who live abroad, but for all the people I dont know that well, have maybe spoken to a couple of times? Do I REALLY need to know what you had for lunch? And what has it done to my real life friendships? I think all of you should ask yourselves that.
Sadly enough, I wanted to have a "communication free week" sometime this year.. The furthest I would allow was texting. Unfortunately, this is not possible as every week i looked at, there was some reason when i would need at least one of the above to get in contact with someone about something (shows im putting on, fests im flying out to, hols im planning, running riot fest...).
* Pressurefest, part 2..
Pressure Fest - August 8th and 9th
Location: TBA
Ticketprices: TBA
Line up comfirmed so far:
H2O (US)
Iron Age (US)
xKingdomx (US)
Madball (US)
Reign Supreme (US)
xRhinocerusx (US)
This is Hell (US)
More bands to be added soon, news following...
Party hotel is booked for mark 1 (literally, this will be the party hotel).. Summer is shaping up awesome.
* RunningRiot Fest booking has officially began. I have booked 3 bands out of the 20, that is not including BOTH break bands. If you want to get on the fest, drop me an email to Bribes accepted but do not guarantee a slot on the fest.. HAHAHAHA.
* i love

Wednesday, 25 February 2009
I didnt think it was possible to read about someone that trusted everyone around them less than i did.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Happy Valentines Day!!!
I thought I would include awesome updates today as to make everyone as happy as I am right now.
1. Pressurefest has been announced. The boys at Alveran have decided to hold two this year, a smaller one in Essen on the 27th and 28th June, and a larger scale one in August. I was pretty sceptical when I first heard this but the more I think about it, the better an idea it is.
The venue in Essen,JZE Papestrasse, is smaller, has no barrier, and is the perfect place to hold the show.
The line up so far is as follows:
Cheap Thrills
Dead Vows
Death Threat
Have Heart
The Mongoloids
New Morality
No Turning Back
Rise and Fall
Shipwreck AD
Strength For A Reason
Suffer The Living
+ more to be confirmed.
Im psyched.
Summerfest season is going to be great.
Groezrock, Pressure, Fluff fest, Pressure and Ieperfest (hopefully, Chris will put something else on this year to replace deadfest).
Hotels have been booked. Mail me for details.
2. Link stolen from Guav DNAs blog (which is terribly interesting by the way. You should read it).
Is it wrong that I look at some of the food on that site and think "FUCK. THAT LOOKS SO GOOD."? Probably. No care ever though.
-Revelation Records are doing a collab with Adidas.

These trainers are currently limited to 150, all being given to artists that feature on Rev's 150th release, a compilation of hardcore bands covering other hardcore bands.
The tracklisting for the comp is as follows:
1. Sick of It All- Warzone- 'As One'
2. Terror- Side By Side 'Friends'
3. Ignite- Youth of Today- 'Disengage'
4. Death By Stereo- Youth of Today 'Break Down the Walls'
5. Set Your Goals- Gorilla Biscuits 'Forgotten'
6. The Twilight Transmission- Quicksand 'Clean Slate'
7. Ambitions- Bold 'Running Like Thieves'
8. Down To Nothing- Judge- 'What It Meant'
9. Countdown To Life- Insight Out 'Burning Fight'
10. Bold- Supertouch 'Searching For The Light'
11. Damnation AD - Gorilla Biscuits 'Hold Your Ground'
12. Capital- Burn- 'Out Of Time'
13. Backlash- Bold 'Wise Up'
14. The Mediam- Civ- 'Et Tu, Brute?'
15. Triple Threat- No For An Answer- 'Without A Reason'
16. The Scare- Battery- 'Brand New Place'
17. Mikoto- Texas Is The Reason 'Back and To The Left'
18. Walter Schreifels of Gorilla Biscuits/Quicksand- Sick of It All 'Pushed Us Too Far'/'Friends'
19. Ignite The Will- Shai Hulud- 'For The World'
20. This is Hell- The Movielife/Civ medley
There is talk that Adidas may release them out to the market, but chances of them doing small people sizes= 0.
I really desperately want a pair though.
Thanks to for the info.
3. If you twitter or BBM, leave me info in the comments. I will not make the comments public if you do not want them to be.
4. and finally, im on a boat, motherfucker:
1. Pressurefest has been announced. The boys at Alveran have decided to hold two this year, a smaller one in Essen on the 27th and 28th June, and a larger scale one in August. I was pretty sceptical when I first heard this but the more I think about it, the better an idea it is.
The venue in Essen,JZE Papestrasse, is smaller, has no barrier, and is the perfect place to hold the show.
The line up so far is as follows:
Cheap Thrills
Dead Vows
Death Threat
Have Heart
The Mongoloids
New Morality
No Turning Back
Rise and Fall
Shipwreck AD
Strength For A Reason
Suffer The Living
+ more to be confirmed.
Im psyched.
Summerfest season is going to be great.
Groezrock, Pressure, Fluff fest, Pressure and Ieperfest (hopefully, Chris will put something else on this year to replace deadfest).
Hotels have been booked. Mail me for details.
2. Link stolen from Guav DNAs blog (which is terribly interesting by the way. You should read it).
Is it wrong that I look at some of the food on that site and think "FUCK. THAT LOOKS SO GOOD."? Probably. No care ever though.
-Revelation Records are doing a collab with Adidas.

These trainers are currently limited to 150, all being given to artists that feature on Rev's 150th release, a compilation of hardcore bands covering other hardcore bands.
The tracklisting for the comp is as follows:
1. Sick of It All- Warzone- 'As One'
2. Terror- Side By Side 'Friends'
3. Ignite- Youth of Today- 'Disengage'
4. Death By Stereo- Youth of Today 'Break Down the Walls'
5. Set Your Goals- Gorilla Biscuits 'Forgotten'
6. The Twilight Transmission- Quicksand 'Clean Slate'
7. Ambitions- Bold 'Running Like Thieves'
8. Down To Nothing- Judge- 'What It Meant'
9. Countdown To Life- Insight Out 'Burning Fight'
10. Bold- Supertouch 'Searching For The Light'
11. Damnation AD - Gorilla Biscuits 'Hold Your Ground'
12. Capital- Burn- 'Out Of Time'
13. Backlash- Bold 'Wise Up'
14. The Mediam- Civ- 'Et Tu, Brute?'
15. Triple Threat- No For An Answer- 'Without A Reason'
16. The Scare- Battery- 'Brand New Place'
17. Mikoto- Texas Is The Reason 'Back and To The Left'
18. Walter Schreifels of Gorilla Biscuits/Quicksand- Sick of It All 'Pushed Us Too Far'/'Friends'
19. Ignite The Will- Shai Hulud- 'For The World'
20. This is Hell- The Movielife/Civ medley
There is talk that Adidas may release them out to the market, but chances of them doing small people sizes= 0.
I really desperately want a pair though.
Thanks to for the info.
3. If you twitter or BBM, leave me info in the comments. I will not make the comments public if you do not want them to be.
4. and finally, im on a boat, motherfucker:
Hope you are having a lovely day with your loved ones!!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
This band have completely blown me away.. moreso than any band in a long time.
Check them out HERE and then come to this show:
Check them out HERE and then come to this show:

Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Women (now contains edit)
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
If someone could explain..
How i lived so long without a blackberry in my life, that would be good, because right now, i dont know how i could live without it and its awesome little applications.
and BBM. God, i love BBM.
and BBM. God, i love BBM.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Things that make me smile.
This Cyanide and Happiness strip:

Disney (OH SHUSH YOU.).. Especially Aladdin.. ("WAKE UP AND SMELL THE HUMOUS!):
New kids on the block.. and being this close to new kids on the block:

(above pic taken from the Hammersmith apollo where i was one row back. ONE FUCKING ROW BACK.).
I could go on forever but that is enough happiness for one entry.

Disney (OH SHUSH YOU.).. Especially Aladdin.. ("WAKE UP AND SMELL THE HUMOUS!):
New kids on the block.. and being this close to new kids on the block:

(above pic taken from the Hammersmith apollo where i was one row back. ONE FUCKING ROW BACK.).
I could go on forever but that is enough happiness for one entry.
Monday, 2 February 2009
when they said it was going to snow, i thought it would be Londons regular snow feature.. you know, less than an inch, which quicky turns into black ice, causing many old ladies to break hips.
Little did i know that i would wake up to what only can be described as a winter wonderland.. enough snow hitting my face to feel like a million kisses, and inches of the white stuff that go halfway up my calves.
I love the snow. I love snowed in days. And i love sleep more than anything. Best life.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
I love Wall-e
You can get Wall-es that dance to ipods.
If he doesnt make you smile, you are not human.
Sunday, 25 January 2009
life long dreams.
If someone had told me 17 years ago when I was 13 years old that I would be going to see New Kids on The Block, not once, but twice, I would told them they were crazy.
If someone had told me that, as I stepped onto the escalator at the O2 last night to go the highest level of the arena furthest away from the stage, that Char, Davey and Lynne would be stopped, and our seats would be upgraded to seats pretty much on the floor, I would have not believed them (TWO THOUSAND AND MINE!!!!)
I sang, I screamed, I cried, I felt like a 13 year old girl. One of the best nights of my life, and I was so happy to spend it with two of my best friends (even though I think that they thought I had lost my mind about 10 times last night).
Round two tonight. I CANNOT FUCKING WAIT.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Updating a blog that isnt personal is not as easy as it looks, and many music blogs, ESPECIALLY hardcore blogs, start out so well, but then trail off into oblivion where the authors lose interest. Believe me, I know.. I update this one far more than London Calling (which will have an update tonight, by the way).
World Moves Fast, started up by a bunch of dudes from Boston, is the "Heat magazine" of hardcore blogs. Short posts, lots of pics and to the point. The blog is regularly updated, usually a couple of times a day, with a vast array of content, links to articles, links to videos on you tube.. everything you could want. The site also has a number of interviews which you might be interested in.
Go check it out. It doesnt disappoint.
Oh and i really want that trife life shirt that mission merch are doing. Damn the pound being so shitty. I have to wait to get stuff. Urgh.
World Moves Fast, started up by a bunch of dudes from Boston, is the "Heat magazine" of hardcore blogs. Short posts, lots of pics and to the point. The blog is regularly updated, usually a couple of times a day, with a vast array of content, links to articles, links to videos on you tube.. everything you could want. The site also has a number of interviews which you might be interested in.
Go check it out. It doesnt disappoint.
Oh and i really want that trife life shirt that mission merch are doing. Damn the pound being so shitty. I have to wait to get stuff. Urgh.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Crisis in Gaza
One of the aspects of hardcore that I was most attracted to when I went to my first couple of shows in '97 were that bands had something to say. They were politically minded, knew the wrongs that were happening in the world and weren't afraid to be vocal about it.
Rarely do I meet a hardcore kid these days who I can have a real conversation about politics with.
Rarely do I see bands who have ANYTHING to say onstage other than "straight edge".. "not straight edge".. "fuck shit up".. etc etc etc.
I stated today that if I could sing, I totally would be in a band that talked about important issues.
Please read this:
Its an article by The Times newspaper (unbiased media) about what the Red Cross found when they went into Gaza.
Please note the most important part. There were FOUR CHILDREN SAT NEXT TO THE CORPSES OF THEIR MOTHERS.
All the internet warriors can defend all they like.
What is happening in Gaza is a complete atrocity, and if you do not believe this, you are an awful human being..
The situation has been declared a humanitarian crisis.
Over 600 Palestinians have been killed. Thats 600 people who will have mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers and friends. That is 600 people who will have funerals, 600 people who will be mourned for. Children are included in this number.
All media is being denied the right to report from inside of Gaza since NOVEMBER, when the conflict began but was not reported widely.
But there are pictures from BOTH sides here.. I will post the one that struck me the hardest:
That is someones husband.
Rarely do I meet a hardcore kid these days who I can have a real conversation about politics with.
Rarely do I see bands who have ANYTHING to say onstage other than "straight edge".. "not straight edge".. "fuck shit up".. etc etc etc.
I stated today that if I could sing, I totally would be in a band that talked about important issues.
Please read this:
Its an article by The Times newspaper (unbiased media) about what the Red Cross found when they went into Gaza.
Please note the most important part. There were FOUR CHILDREN SAT NEXT TO THE CORPSES OF THEIR MOTHERS.
All the internet warriors can defend all they like.
What is happening in Gaza is a complete atrocity, and if you do not believe this, you are an awful human being..
The situation has been declared a humanitarian crisis.
Over 600 Palestinians have been killed. Thats 600 people who will have mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers and friends. That is 600 people who will have funerals, 600 people who will be mourned for. Children are included in this number.
All media is being denied the right to report from inside of Gaza since NOVEMBER, when the conflict began but was not reported widely.
But there are pictures from BOTH sides here.. I will post the one that struck me the hardest:
That is someones husband.
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
30 is going to be a good year.
My first present came in the mail today. Sick of it all S/T 7" first press, 2nd press, and potential for a fall.
I am going to complete my SOIA record collection damnit.
Thank you Dave Heck. I love you dude.
I am going to complete my SOIA record collection damnit.
Thank you Dave Heck. I love you dude.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Go make a difference.

There are protests against the atrocities happening in Gaza tomorrow in London town. They begin at Embankment station at 12.30pm and I urge people to attend.
There are also more protests across the south. Details can be found HERE.
With over 400 Palestinians killed, and thousands injured, it is important that you educate yourselves on what is going on there.. Read up on this. The source used was an unbiased mainstream British newspaper.
Friday, 2 January 2009
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