Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Social Media Fatigue part 2
Monday, 25 October 2010

I am going to endeavour to update this once a week at least, even if it is to rant about something stupid (but I promise to end the negative posts with happy thoughts or at least a video to make you smile).
Friday, 15 October 2010
Blue is the colour of dreams
Friday, 8 October 2010

Summertime is over.. There is no more sun, no more festivals to look forward to, nothing. So, here is a list of awesome things that are out/coming up that you should get into:
Bitter End- Guilty as Charged (Deathwish Records).
There is no hardcore kid that I know that does not LOVE this record.. Completely flawless in every aspect.. I could tell you that it sounds like x with a dash of x thrown in, but I wont. All I will say is if you like your hardcore HARD, then you HAVE to pick this up. Clearly in the running for best release of 2010.
Madball- Empire (Good Fight Music)
I have listened to it. In full. Its good. Get it.
Terror- Keepers of the Faith EP (Reaper Records).
Blown away. Those are the only two words I can use to describe how I felt when I got this. Pick it up. The title track will stick in your head, and remain there for at least a month. I am not even joking. This has happened to me. I find myself walking to the beat, even though im not listening to the song. The EP is the current soundtrack to my life.. Shall I keep going?
2. 50Cents twitter:
Dude is funny as fuck. Add him.
3. Nails are touring..
Nails are miles ahead in the “best new hardcore band” stakes. They are doing a tour in November with Rise and Fall. The London date is on the 24th November at the Islington Academy 2. The rest of the dates are on the link above. You cannot miss this show.
4. Blood for Blood and SOIA on the Persistence tour.
This is not hitting the UK. :/ You HAVE to make it out to one of these shows.
5. Nick Terror’s twitter:
The videos on this account that Nick puts up are worth it. One of the funniest twitters I have seen in a long time. ADD ADD ADDDD!
6. Winter:
Embrace this. It means that Christmas is coming.. Time off and everything sparkly makes Christmas awesome.. no presents does not.. along with those, there is the hope of snow days. Wrap up warm and feel the love.. (ask me again if I love it in 2 months!)
7. Sheer Terror in Belgium:
Did someone say road trip? For tickets, go to:
8. Spot the fake uggs.
Girls. Two things. If you can’t afford to spend over £100 on a pair of shoes, very much like myself, then do not buy the fake version. The reason that Uggs are so expensive are because they are well made. So I have two tips to spot the fake ones, and play “spot the fake” on public transport:
a. If the “G” in Ugg at the back isn’t bigger than the other letters, they are fake.
b. If they collapse to one side, they are fake. Real Uggs don’t do that.
If anyone is feeling flash, a pair of Ugg Kensington’s in black would totally be well appreciated.
9. H&M being better than Primark
Last summer/winter has slowly seen Primark hiking up their prices. The chain of stores, whilst still relatively cheap, has been doing this slowly and subtly for the last 2 years.. so slowly that the difference is hardly noticeable. Lets put this into context. Two years ago, I bought a pair of knee high boots for £12. I went into the store two days ago, and they were selling knee high boots for £18. £6 is NOT that much difference, I hear you cry, but this is not the point.. it’s the principal of the matter. I wanted a long jumper. Apparently I found out that the better quality H&M sells them for £5 less than Primark. My loyalty is shifting. Fast.
10. Awesome television..
Yay! Its “fall” which means that the awesomest (yes it’s a word in my world!) shows are back for another series. Grey’s is back.. as well as Dexter.. I love me some Dexter.
Don’t Tell the Bride: Brilliant. Properly brilliant. For all you reading that don’t know what this, it is a program on BBC Three in the UK, where an engaged couple are given £12,000 to get married. A few catches included though.. the bride and groom are separated for three weeks. In these three weeks, the GROOM has to plan the whole wedding with no input from the bride. Usually, the grooms know their betrothed pretty well, but the odd occasion that they don’t makes for incredibly awkward, car crash tv.
Oh yay! Ricky Gervais sends an unknown writer (Karl Pilkington) who is terribly moody to see the seven wonders of the world. My pretence was that this was going to be one of those shows where featured person just insults and offends the customs and cultures of another country because he is “so very english” (their words, not mine). Pilkington is surprisingly game for a lot of things, including eating toades in his first episode to riding a camel for 8 hours. Whilst there are many things that he does not want to do, and he IS quite verbal about this, he has, so far, done well to not be offensive to anyones culture and traditions. Hilarious viewing. Watch it.. Sky 1. Thursdays at 9pm
That’s about it.. till next time.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Frank Turner is one of these people. Over a decade ago, there was an incident involving Frank, the then singer of awful band, Kneejerk, and Pierre from Knuckledust. I could go into details but it’s a really old story and I have told it over a thousand times. But it leads to much hilarity when I spot him at a show, (and walk past girls whispering about him) and, as loud as I can, without shouting, say “YOU HURT MY FRIIIIEEENNNDDD”. I usually get a frown, but it provides me with hours of amusement. Good on him though.. he has done well for himself, and worked really hard promoting himself.. Last I heard, he was supporting Green Day on their arena tour. The only way I am ever going to stop teasing him, though, is for him to write one of his depressing “I feel sorry for myself way too much” songs with the above phrase as the words of the chorus.
Andrew O’Neill.…THIS GUY.. In the few years that I used to see him at hardcore shows, I don’t think I ever once saw him smile.. Now don’t get me wrong.. I did not know this guy at all.. he could have been the nicest guy on planet earth, but I knew him as the strange, miserable boy who would come to shows and do a funny “late 90s pointing and looking at the sky” hardcore move, and would often wear skirts. He disappeared around 3-4 years after I first got into hardcore, and the next thing I see, around a decade later, is that he is a comedian……… Wait.. WHAT?!?!?! A COMEDIAN? REALLY? Again, have not seen his stage show, nor, to be honest, do I care to.. but that’s a turnaround for the books!
Saying that, with the amount of people that have come and gone, I am actually surprised that I don’t see more of them on tv, the radio, etc etc etc.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
And moving on…
- The new Eminem record, Recovery- Not going to lie. Totally picked this record because of Steve’s video below. That song is terribly catchy. And the whole album is fantastic, and this is coming from someone who was never really a massive Eminem fan. Personal highlights- (other than his song with Rhianna of course).. him sampling both “What is love?” by Haddaway and “Changes”. Nice. Pick it up.. download it.. whatever.
- Donnybrook are touring at the end of this year. Currently only mainland dates have been announced but here’s hoping for UK dates.
- The hoards descending on Sonisphere festival began lunchtime today at Victoria station. If you are going, enjoy, be safe and take an umbrella as apparently its going to rain. And check out Sick of it all, as they are the best band on the planet.
- If I say your band sucks, it means I think your band sucks. If you cannot deal with a. criticism b.someone else opinion, you should not be in a band. Please also see this post.
- Pretty Little Liars. Get on this show. I have only watched the first episode, but so far so good.
- Toy Story 3. Am i going to cry?
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Current Top 10- July 2010

Ieperfest has been going for 18 years. Organised by Bruno and the folk at Genet records, the fest has more heart and dedication put into it than any other hardcore/punk fest on planet earth. Over three days, on two stages, just over 100 bands play to fans from around the world. The atmosphere is electric, and you are pressed to find someone in the crowd that isn’t smiling.
The Ieper team have thought of everything.. Disabled access with a separate platform, a “More than music stage” for people who want to learn or just get away from the “noise” for a bit (Davin from Kingdoms talk last year was on of the highlights of the fest), an afterparty for the crowd goers that are simply not done (last year, apparently this lasted till 6am the first 2 nights), a pre show for all the travelling folk (this year its being held by a separate promotions team but the line up is still fantastic with Pound for Pound playing), and finally, the most green festival around. The fest has around a hundred volunteers that make sure that the site is kept clean and tidy, and that there is no unnecessary waste left behind.
This is a fest by hardcore fans for hardcore fans.. and will remain number one in Europe for many years to come. Long live Ieperfest!
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Whilst many of you wont remember this, in the early 90s, this was a MASSIVE hit in the Middle East and Asia (and I imagine, the US). Featured on every mix tape of my teens, this song is definitely one of the most catchy from this era, regularly popping into my head every couple of months over a decade later..
The treat (other than being mesmorised by her amazing eyebrows) was to find that Rakim, who, in my limited hip hop understanding, is one of the most respected rappers on the planet (please correct me if im wrong!) was the “guest vocalist”. His rap is up there with John Barnes’ effort in “World In Motion”. OK maybe not that bad, but...
I wish it were the 90s again.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Incept.. *snore*
Not going to lie, but I love previews. And last week, I was “lucky” enough to go to one of the worst.. Nothing to do with the film, oh, no, not at all. The screen this preview was shown in, at the Empire, Leicester Square, was not made for people under 5’5. I couldn’t see the bottom quarter of the screen, and my view was highly impaired by a woman with quite a large head. Considering these previews are to spread word of mouth about how good a film is, the surroundings just put me off doing that.
Inception was ok, and not the masterpiece that all discussing it will make you believe. Maybe its because I only really like romcoms, or maybe because im not impressed with too much CGI. Leonardo DiCaprio, on the whole, irritates me, which I find amusing as I used to think he was cute when he was in Growing Pains and parenthood (I was 12). Unlike everyone else who has been talking about this film, I did not walk out after the film thinking “WTF” and I didn’t really care if the spinning top fell. Also, whilst I understand that it was vital to the story line to explain Leos, why did 10 mins of the film have to be dedicated to her making one? That’s 10 mins of my life I will not get back.
Best part of the film? Tom Hardy. I spent half the film trying to place him. Hes the Kleenex crying man!!!!
Friday, 16 July 2010
Sometimes, this world seems like its so full of hate, jealousy, and contempt, that it gets me down. Sometimes, I think of all the people that have done me wrong, and all the people that have hurt me or my loved ones, and I wonder whats wrong with the human race.
On those days.. the days when nothing seems to cheer me up and its grey and gloomy outside? On days when I think that there is no love in this world.. what do i do those days?
I go here. You think im joking?
Yes, its essentially a wedding photos website, there are also baby pictures, birthday pictures and engagement pictures. My favourite photographer is Matt, a guy I used to know.. which was how i was alerted to the site.
Not only does the site have the most beautiful pictures i have ever seen, but they are full of happiness and joy and so much love.
This renews my faith in the human race.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
"No we must not dwell, no not today, we can't. Not on Rex Manning day!"
Do you think that if i asked Steve to make me a video, he would? He totally should. Pref with something by the black eyed peas as that would simply be amazing. SIMPLY. AMAZING.
Anyhow, this is his latest offering.
I love you Steve.
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
Not all of them, from the screen captures, look as good, but this and the Lady Gaga one are class! (Maybe a proper, awesome, update later)
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Oooh life
Friday, 19 February 2010

There are certain people that are always a pleasure to see. They "warm up" your life, filling it with happiness and laughter.
He will be massively missed by many people. Rest in Peace, buddy xxx
Friday, 12 February 2010
The Tech Buzz

- Google Buzz: OH YAY! YAAAY! Another social media site that I can sign up to , and post everything that I am doing at all times of the day! Sadly, the latter portion of that statement is sort of true and whilst I have refrained somewhat in recent months, I am guilty of this, so here was another way of wasting my day away, not actually doing stuff, but posting about it.
I will admit that I was marginally shocked this morning when I opened up my Gmail account, and was greeted with a introduction screen, that basically said “O, HAI! Come see what you can do NOW with your Gmail account”. I was excited to some extent.. Facebook was being a pain, and had introduced many features that I really didn’t care for (privacy being jeopardized, and having to read every sodding comment by every single of my mutual 500 friends when they posted things directed to each other.. oh and by the way, Facebook, I don’t care how many of my friends like pickles) . The site had also changed its layout around 3 times in the past couple of months and was terribly terribly glitchy, sometimes not even working at all. This was the reason that I had basically abandoned many social networking sites from the past, since I started all those years ago, when MakeOutClub was still the best thing ever. Friendster came along, started acting up, so moved onto myspace and then facebook, everytime each site started getting too many error messages.
Google haven’t managed to get the Euro/US market in this area. They attempted a site with Orkut (yes, I have one of those too but its defunct much like my myspace and friendster profiles), that failed everywhere but India and South America, and GoogleWave, which was meant to take over everything but slightly fell flat on its, um, “face” as it was too “developer” based.
SO now, they are killing two birds with one stone. They do not need to build up another following.. they already have millions of users with GMail. They have already roped in both Flickr (one of the biggest photohosting sites on the internet) and Twitter (although slightly held back because you can post FROM Buzz to your Twitter but not the other way round). Will this take over Facebook? Dear God, I hope so.. then Zuckerberg or whatever his name is, can get of his high horse and realise that his site’s popularity wont last forever. And unfortunately, unlike the music side of MySpace, Facebook really has nothing to hold onto and will be a distant memory in the SNW like Friendster.
IPad- Are you a Mac or a PC? I, for one, am def a PC. I love Windows, and have been using the system for God knows how many years. My Apple love only goes as far as my Ipod, which, no matter how indifferent I am to Apple, is the best MP3 player that I have owned. I have neither bowed down to the IPhone (my loyalty lies with the other team, Blackberry, here, as well), think that the Touch is terribly overpriced for what you get, and wont even CONSIDER trading up a laptop with a Macbook that will cost more than 3 times the price.
I was slightly indifferent to the hype surrounding the IPad. I read up on it before the release and things that were being predicted sounded pretty cool.. and many of these features were not available. An awesome webcam? No. Not too big? No. Super thin and elegant? No.
When it was finally released, we were faced with, what essentially is, a massive Ipod Touch. Yay. I laughed. Considering I had been waiting to see if this was better than getting a Mini Laptop, I was bitterly disappointed. Not only did the tablet not have a webcam (something, according to tech sites today, is probably going to be changed in the near future), but the most memory you can get is 16GB, and the damn thing doesn’t even play flash sites, so no online streaming programmes for me. Save yourself a couple of hundred quid and go with a Dell Mini laptop.. far more functional, and better value for money.
Other PC companies, such as HP, are following suit soon though, with their own tablets, so maybe hold off till then.
Saying that, if Apple want to send me one to review fully, who am I to say no?
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Current Top 10!
1. Social Media Fatigue:
Whilst I actually never thought I would say it, I am bored of everyone know what im doing 24 hours a day. And whilst I was interested before, I am not interested in what people are doing 24 hours a day either. I WANT people to text me to ask if I am going to a show. I WANT people to ask where I am when im not somewhere. Distancing yourself from sharing your every waking moment is the new tweeting. And maybe it’s a good thing, as apparently, spending too much time online can lead to depression as stated here:
2. Summer Fest Announcement time:
According to an oversized rat in Pennsylvania, there is still six more weeks of winter left.. so what better than being reminded that, REALLY, summer isn’t that far away. All fests, from the majors like Hellfest, Download, and imminently, Reading, to the smaller euro hardcore jaunts like Filled With Hate and Ieperfest, have began announcing their line ups. Whilst most of us will have to pick and choose, it just means that we will only have to brave the cold winter months for a tiny bit longer.
3. Being in your 30s.
Its apparently the new “20s” now. Heh.
4. Holiday Songs:
Ke$ha, Timbaland and Nelly Furtado, and of course the black eyed peas to remind you of good times.
5. Valentines day hate.
I have ever only had one good Valentines day which involved flowers in the morning from a stranger (RIP Chris BTN) and then seeing SOIA. To this day, I have not had a good one, and still hate it with a passion. Fuck you Valentines day. Fuck you to hell.
6. The return of awesome tv season.
Around this time of the year, everything is looking kind of slow. Christmas is gone, summer is seems like its an eternity away. Which makes the return of awesome tv shows all the more better.. especially since I was totally over Glee after the 5th episode. Grey's Anatomy, and Greek are my current favourites. But in the same breath, we bid a sad farewell to "jersey shore". FIST PUMP!
7. Spotify
I have been raving about this service for roughly about a year now. I have mentioned it HERE. Anyhow, I am still loving it as it means that i dont have to go out of my way to find shit that i cant be bothered to look for and download onto my ipod.
SO. Heres the fun part. I want to listen to some new stuff. Recently, all i have played on my spotify is Manic Street Preachers and various pop songs im obsessed with (that are probably about 10 years old because that is when I finally latch onto a popular song haha).
Help me fill up a spotify play list full of stuff to listen to before I go out.. This could be anything from hardcore to soul to the cheesiest pop (which is what i have started out with).
Link is here:
Knock yourselves out kids.
8. Lounging.
Going out is awesome. But really, I would rather stay in, and lie on the couch and watch tv. In 10 years, i will be going to my local Waitrose in my velor tracksuit and Ugg boots carrying my Chanel handbag.. you wait and see. Alternatively, when I win £85m on the lottery tomorrow, this will also happen.
9. The Excitement of New Awesome Bands.
One of the best feelings in the world is watching a UK band, thinking, "fuck.." and then getting excited about seeing their name on upcoming bills. It happens literally once in a blue moon, and as there was a blue moon a couple of weeks ago, the band in question are "Breaking Point". Literally, have seen them twice, and both times, they have blown me away. Check them out. One of the best new bands to come out of the UK:
10. PMA.
There are certain people that are simply mood hoovers. They suck all the life and good feelings out of a person. When I am around such people, and they begin to bring me down, I think of this. Rid yourself of this.